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Speaking. 10.Look at the following pictures and notes, then in pairs discuss what the problems of big cities are and how they can be solved

10. Look at the following pictures and notes, then in pairs discuss what the problems of big cities are and how they can be solved.

Problems: noise, smog, congested roads, gas emission, acid rain, careless disposal of waist, unpleasant smells, unnecessary packaging, scrap heaps, dumping oil/toxic waste/outdated appliances and devices, water/ air / soil pollution, greenhouse effect, growth of population, unemployment

Solution: filters, unleaded petrol, better public transport, fines, biodegradable packaging, recycling, incinerate waste, develop new environmentally friendly materials, ban on careless disposal of rubbish, recycling factories/points, improved waste disposal systems, living outside the city/ in the suburbs, economy water and electricity, develop technologies, plant trees, ride a bicycle

Grammar Focus: Clause of Purpose:

  • (in order) to + infinitive
  • so that + can/will + infinitive
  • so that + can’t/won’t + infinitive

e.g. We should install filters to reduce air pollution.

We should install filters so that we can reduce air pollution.

We should install filters so that we won’t have polluted cities.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 698 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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