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I’m in my third year of the History Faculty. I must say that I’m very interested in the subjects which I have chosen of all humanities as my future speciality. History was my favourite subject at school. I was fond of reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in different countries of the world.

History is a process of developing nature and society. History as a science studies the past of mankind in all its variety and concreteness.

There are many historical subjects in our program: Ancient History, The Middle Ages, the History of Kazakhstan, Modern and Contemporary History, etc.

History helps people understand and explain the processes going on in various aspects of human life. It also helps foresee the course of events in future. Historians study and describe the historic events taking place in different epochs and in different countries. Their descriptions and analyses should be strictly objective and scientific.

As for me I’m deeply interested in the history of my native land.

The profession of a historian is quite diversified. The graduates of our Faculty can work as teachers and research workers at secondary and higher schools, different museums and archives. Many of them have become well-known scientists or chosen public activity as their career.

Whether I shall make a good teacher or become successful in some other field of social life remains to be seen. But I’m sure that my knowledge received at the University will help me succeed in my future work.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 502 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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