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Roman Values

What is the second to the largest number and the second to the smallest number that you can make if you have one each of the following Roman numerals?


Time Puzzle

Two hours ago, it was as many hours after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning.

What time is it now?

What's Your Sign?

In the equation below, replace each question mark with one of the four mathematical signs: +,-, ×, or ÷. Each sign can be used only once. Fill in the blanks to solve the equation. (Hint: the first sign is +.)

7? 5? 4? 7? 6 = 15

Where's the Fruit Juice?

A catering company sells large containers of iced tea and large containers of fruit juice. Right now the company has six containers, each holding the following amounts:

Container A: 30 quarts

Container B: 32 quarts

Container C: 36 quarts

Container D: 38 quarts

Container E: 40 quarts

Container F: 62 quarts

Five of the containers hold iced tea, and one container holds fruit juice.

Two customers come into the shop. The first customer buys two containers of iced tea. The second customer buys twice as much tea as the first customer. Which container is holding the fruit juice?

Cats & Dogs

All of Jenny's pets are dogs except one. All of her pets are cats except one. How many cats and dogs does Jenny have?


Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 570 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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