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Fill the cells in the table with the words derived from the given ones

Verb Noun Adjective
................. discovery ________
................. ................ penetrating,................
_______ ............... mysterious
................. search,............, searching searching
liberate ............., liberator ................
.................. ..............., possessor possessed,..............
triumph ............. ..............., triumphal

21. Fill in the blanks with the words from the table above. You won’t need all the words.

1. Cosmic ray ........... solved?

2. The flake type graphite is found to ............ extremely low resistivity to electrical conductance.

3. Neils Bohr went to England to study with J.J. Thomson, who had ........... the electron in 1897.

4. The ATLAS experiment has continued to record data and to refine the analyses in the ............ for the Higgs boson and many other exciting signatures of new physics.

5. According to classical physics, a particle of energy E less than the height of a barrier could not ............. − the region inside the barrier is classically forbidden.

6. Most physicists in the early years of the twentieth century were engrossed by the electron, such a new and fascinating .................

7. In 1899−1900, physicists Ernest Rutherford and Paul Villard separated radiation into three types: alpha, beta, and gamma, based on ............ of objects and ability to cause ionization.

8. When they were discovered, the "X" stood for "unknown," because they were so ..................

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