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Ott, 485-488

2. Написанные после II Ватиканского собора
1980 McBrien, 2:1101-1106

Другие работы

Archer, Gleason. Paul Feinberg, Douglas Moo, and Richard Reiter. The Rapture: Pre-, Mid-, or Post-tribulational? Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984.

Bauckham, Richard J. "Apocalyptic". In NDT, pp. 33—35.

Beechick, Allen. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture. Denver: Accent, 1980.

Berkouwer, G. C. The Return of Christ. Trans, by James Van Oosterom. Ed. by Marlin J. Van Elderen. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.

Clouse, F. G. "Rapture of the Church". In EDT, pp. 908-910.

Dumbrell, William J. The Search for Order: Biblical Eschatology in Focus. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1992.

Erickson, Millard. Contemporary Options in Eschatology. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977.

Gundry, R. H. 77ге Church and the Tribulation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973.

Hoekema, Anthony A. The Bible and the Future. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979, pp. 109-238.

Ladd, George Eldon. The Blessed Hope. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1956.

Lightner, Robert P. The Last Days Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Under-standing the Different Views of Prophecy. Who Believes What About Prophecy and Why. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 1990.

Rosenthal, Marvin. The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church. Nashville, Tenn.: Tho-mas Nelson, 1990.

Travis, S. H. "Eschatology". In NDT, pp. 228-231.

VanGemeren, Willem. 77ге Progress of Redemption. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1988. Van Kampen, Robert. 77ге Sign. Wheaton, 111.: Crossway, 1992. Vos, Geerhardus. The Pauline Eschatology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1961. Walvoord, John F. The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation. Grand Rapids: Zonder-van, 1976.

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