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Другие работы. Beckwith, R. Τ "Canon of the Old Testament"

Beckwith, R. Τ "Canon of the Old Testament". In IBD, 1:235-238.

Beckwith, Roger. The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church and Its Background in Early Judaism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1985.

Birdsall, J. N. "Apocrypha". In IBD, 1:75-77.

Birdsall, J. N. "Canon of the New Testament". In IBD, 1:240-245.

Bruce, F. F. The Canon of Scripture. Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity Press, 1988.

Carson, D. Α., and John D. Woodbridge, eds. Hermeneutics, Authority, and Can-on. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.

Dunbar, David G. "The Biblical Canon". In Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon. Ed. by D. A. Carson and John Woodbridge. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.

Green, William Henry. General Introduction to the Old Testament: The Canon. New York: Scribners, 1898.

Harris, R. Laird. "Chronicles and the Canon in New Testament Times". JETS. Vol. 33, no. 1 (March 1990): 75-84.

Harris, R. Laird. Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible: An Historical and Exeget-ical Study. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1989.

Kline, Meredith G. The Structure of Biblical Authority. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.

Leiman, S. Z. The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture: The Talmudic and Midrashic Evidence. Hamden, Conn.: Archon, 1976.

McRay, J. R. "Bible, Canon of. In EDT, pp. 140-141.

Metzger, Bruce M. The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance. Oxford: Clarendon; and New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Packer, J. I. "Scripture". In NDT, 627-631.

Ridderbos, Herman N. Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures. For-merly, The Authority of the New Testament Scriptures. 2d rev. ed. Trans, by H. D. Jong-ste. Rev. by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. Phillipsburg, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1988.

Westcott, Brooke Foss. The Bible in the Church: A Popular Account of the Collection and Reception of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Churches. First ed. with altera-tions. London: Macmillan, 1901.

Zahn, Theodor. Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons. 2 vols. Erlangen: Deichert, 1888-1890. Reprint ed., Hildesheim and New York: Olms, 1975.

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