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Варіант 1. 1. The distillation of volatile oils by means of water or steam has been practised for long.

Вправа 1. Визначте видо-часову форму і стан дієслова-присудка, дайте його початкову форму. Перекладіть речення.

1. The distillation of volatile oils by means of water or steam has been practised for long.

2. Chromatographic methods are now regarded as the most powerful tools available for purification of natural products.

3. We applied this method some years ago and have not tried any other since.

4. Various precautions have to be taken during the process of extraction.

5. When all of the crystals had changed to the dienthyl ether, the time of evacuation was lengthened.

Вправа 2. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на сполучники.

1. Neither sulfonomide is insoluble in ether, nor are its derivatives.

2. The analysis was repeated during the series of measurements as well as after the work was completed.

3. In both mild and severe infections the usual dose is calculated as 0.1 g per kg of body weight per day.

Вправа 3. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на інфінітив.

1. In 1906 the Russian botanist Tswett published a description of the technique to be used for separating the pigments of green leaves.

2. To complete the drying process the granules were left in the pan over night.

3. He was the first to apply the invention in this branch of sience.

Вправа 4. Перекладіть на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на суб’єктивний інфінітивний зворот.

1. The proteins are known to be highly complex compounds elaborated by living cells.

2. You are likely to know that the molecular weights of proteins can be estimated only approximately.

3. Many of these proteins are sure to contain elements of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

4. He seems to be interested in complex compounds of proteins.

5. Enzymes appear to be soluble substances of complex composition which occur in plant cells.

Вправа 5. Згрупуйте слова, згідно частинам мови.

specify, irregular, deformation, soluble, indication, arrangement, powerful, acidity, saturate, mixture, poisonous, examine, unpleasant, difficulty.

Вправа 6. Перепешіть та перекладіть текст.


During the last generations, and particularly after the Second World War, an extremely violent effort has been made to develop drugs which would effectively control cancer. The problem of developing a really useful drug is complicated primarily by certain confusing aspects of the etiology of cancer. Carcinomas may occur in any organ of the body. If a reason could be found why only certain tumours are malignant, the cancer problem would be solved in a very short period of time. At present, the most effective and successful treatment of carcinomas is surgery and radiation therapy which are only applicable on localized tumours not to metastasized forms and leukemia. As far as chemotherapy of cancer is concerned this approach is in its infancy. The results of this method are highly unpredictable; it may be stated though the earlier the carcinoma is diagnosed, the brighter the prognoses will be. The drug treatment of cancer follows basically 4 avenues, depending upon the type of cancer involved:

1) Antimitotic Agents. These compounds such as the natural products podophyllin, podophyllotoxin, and colchi-cine, prevent cell division. The latter drug has a low therapeutic index and high toxicity, hence, its use is greatly limited.

2) Metabolic Antagonists. A large number of analyses of healthy and cancerous tissues have revealed a much higher concentration of folic acid in the diseased tissue. The pioneer antimetabolite in this field was 4-amino-pteroglutamic acid (amino-pterin) which showed some promise as a good therapeutic agent, but also considerable toxicity. Its N- methyl homologue (amethopterin) is just as effective, but less toxic and is used routinely today in the treatment of leukemia.

3) Polyfunctional Alkylating Agents. This group includes any compounds possessing active alkyl radicals. They are presumed to interfere with cell formation in normal as well as cancerous tissues. Most of these agents have a strong effect on the central nervous system causing nausea and vomiting.

Busulfan is the drug of choice in leukemia 6-10 mg per day at weekly intervals. Triethylene melamine is particularly useful in leukemia. The usual dose is 0.04 mg for 3 days. Of the other agents in this group may be mentioned alkeran, nitrogen mustard in combination with an amino acid. Several others are under clinical investigation, e.g. nitromin, Butadiene — diepoxide chlorambucil.

4) Miscellaneous Agents. Some success has been achieved with hormones in the treatment of certain types of cancers. Cortisone preparations are used routinely in leukemia, with varying success. Certain cancerous manifestations have been treated with antibiotics, e.g. actinomycin, mytomicin. Most of these are under investigation.

In spite of these many compounds, X-ray treatment, surgery and application of radioisotopes still are the preferred types of treatment.

Вправа 7. Відповісти на запитання до тексту.

1) What is the most effective and successful treatment of carcinomas at present?

2) What method of the cancer treatment is in its infancy?

3) What compounds prevent cell division?

4) What preparations are used routinely in leukemia?

Вправа 8. Поставити речення у питальну форму.

1. We have prepared everything for the experiment.

2. They solved that problem two years ago.

3. Rhizome and roots of valerian are kept in drug-stores in closed boxes.

Вправа 9. Випишіть з тексту речення у Passive Voice та перекладіть їх.

Вправа 10. Утворити прикметники та перекласти їх.

- ive: effect, prevent, cure, act, infect.

un-: known, developed, useful, complicated, certain.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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