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Find in the opinions the ideas to say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If it is wrong correct it

2. Irene is very shy.    
3. Steve is lazy.    
4. Jane is risky.    
5. Mark is a hard-working person.    
6. Nataly is very self-centered.    
7. Andrew is boastful.    
8. Kate is conservative.    
9. People say that Steve is tactless.    
10. People say that Jane is light-minded.    
11. People say that Kate is unsociable.    
12. People say that Irene is patient    
13. People say that Nataly is selfish.    
14. People say that Mark is very polite.    
15. People say that Andrew is timid.    

2. Prove with the help of the opinions that:

1. People like Irene very much.

2. Some people say that Steve is tactless.

3. Jane`s mother believes that she is light-minded.

4. Mark`s friends say that he is rude.

5. People don`t like Nataly, because she is selfish.

6. People don`t like Andrew because he is very determined.

7. People think that Kate is very shy.

8. Steve is very practical.

9. Jane tries to be hard-working.

10. Andrew is industrious.

11. Kate is conservative.

12. Nataly is responsible.

3. Find the equivalents:

1.I can get on with people well a. Я никогда не меняю что-нибудь в своей жизни
2.sometimes I am lazy b. Когда меня спрашивают
3.people who lie c. Я могу хорошо ладить с людьми
4.because I do everything without thinking d. Иногда я ленюсь
5.when I am asked e. Я старюсь усердно работать, чтобы достичь результатов
6.I want other people to follow me f. Старые друзья и старые вина являются лучшими
7.I try to work hard to get results g. Я хочу, чтобы другие люди следовали за мной
8.I never change anything in my life h. Люди, которые лгут
9.Old friends and old wines are the best i. Потому что я делаю все необдуманно

4. Fill in the gaps and translate:

a) Irene is home-…………….., kind and patient.

b) Steve is practical, because he always tries to do the ……. that will help him in future.

c) Jane is ………-minded, because she does everything without ………..

d) Mark is very honest and ….. tells people what he ……….. about them.

e) The most important thing for Nataly is being hard-………., thorough and …………..

f) You might think that Andrew is boast, but he is really ………….

g) Kate is very ……………., she is never changes anything in her life: ideas, principles, and friends.

5. What kind of person are you? What are the features of character that you like most in yourself and what don`t you like at all? Describe yourself, using as many sentences from the text, as you can.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 1254 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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