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1 She treated him as well as the other two had done. After he had eaten breakfast next morning, she said, "I know well the journey you are on. You have lost your head to the Giant of Loch Léin, and you are going to give yourself up. This giant has a great castle. Around the castle are seven hundred iron spikes, and on every spike of them but one is the head of a king, a queen, or a king's son. The seven hundredth spike is empty, and nothing can save your head from that spike if you don't take my advice.

2 Here is a ball for you: walk behind it till you come to a lake near the giant's castle. When you come to that lake at midday the ball will be unwound."

1 "The giant has three young daughters (у великана есть три юные дочери), and they come at noon (и они приходят в полдень) every day of the year (каждый день года) to bathe in the lake (купаться в озере). You must watch them well (ты должен присмотреться к ним хорошо), for each will have a lily on her breast (потому что каждая будет иметь лилию на своей груди), - one a blue (одна – голубую), another a white (другая – белую), and the third a yellow lily (а третья – желтую лилию). You mustn't let your eyes off the one with the yellow lily (ты не должен выпускать из виду ту, что с желтой лилией: «отводить твои глаза прочь от той, что…»). Watch her well (смотри за ней хорошо): when she undresses to go into the water (когда она разденется, чтобы войти в воду; to dress – одеваться, наряжаться; dress – платье, одежда), see where she puts her clothes (посмотри, куда она положит свою одежду: «ее одежды»); when the three are out in the lake swimming (когда /все/ три заплывут далеко в озеро; out наружу, вон), do you slip away (ты ускользни /прочь/) with the clothes (с одеждой) of Yellow Lily.

daughters [`do:t∂z] bathe [beıð] lily [`lılı]

1 "The giant has three young daughters, and they come at noon every day of the year to bathe in the lake. You must watch them well, for each will have a lily on her breast, - one a blue, another a white, and the third a yellow lily. You mustn't let your eyes off the one with the yellow lily. Watch her well: when she undresses to go into the water, see where she puts her clothes; when the three are out in the lake swimming, do you slip away with the clothes of Yellow Lily.

1 When the sisters come out from bathing (когда сестры выйдут с купания), and find that the one with the yellow lily has lost her clothes (и обнаружат: «найдут», что та, что с желтой лилией, утратила свою одежду), the other two will laugh (две другие будут смеяться) and make game of her (и насмехаться, подшучивать над ней: «делать игру»), and she will crouch down (а она сядет на корточки; down – вниз) crying on the shore (плача на берегу), with nothing to cover her (не имея ничего: «с ничем», чтобы прикрыть ее), and say, 'How can I go home now (как я могу пойти домой теперь), and everybody making sport of me (и при том, что каждый будет насмехаться надо мной: «делать развлечение из меня»)? Whoever took my clothes (кто бы ни взял мою одежду: «мои одежды»; to take), if he'll give them back to me (если он отдаст ее: «их» мне; back - назад, обратно), I'll save him from the danger he is in (я спасу его от опасности, в которой он /находится/), if I have the power (если я буду иметь силу, мощь = если смогу).' "

2 The king's son followed the ball till nearly noon (следовал за клубком почти до полудня), when it stopped at a lake (когда он: «оно» /клубок/ остановился у озера) not far from the giant's castle (недалеко от замка великана). Then he hid behind a rock (затем он спрятался за скалой; to hide - прятаться) at the water's edge (у кромки воды), and waited (и ждал).

clothes [kl∂uzð] danger [`deındż∂] power [pau∂]

1 When the sisters come out from bathing, and find that the one with the yellow lily has lost her clothes, the other two will laugh and make game of her, and she will crouch down crying on the shore, with nothing to cover her, and say, 'How can I go home now, and everybody making sport of me? Whoever took my clothes, if he'll give them back to me, I'll save him from the danger he is in, if I have the power.' "

2 The king's son followed the ball till nearly noon, when it stopped at a lake not far from the giant's castle. Then he hid behind a rock at the water's edge, and waited.

1 At midday the three sisters came to the lake (в полдень три сестры пришли к озеру; to come), and, leaving their clothes on the strand (и, оставив свои одеяния на берегу, пляже), went into the water (вошли в воду; to go). When all three were in the lake swimming and playing (играли) with great pleasure and sport (с большим удовольствием; sport – охота, рыбная ловля; развлечение), the king's son slipped out (выскользнул = вышел украдкой) and took the clothes of the sister with the yellow lily.

2 After they had bathed in the lake (после того, как они накупались в озере) to their hearts' content (сколько хотелось, сколько душа желала: «до удовлетворения своих сердец»), the three sisters came out (вышли наружу). When the two with the blue and the white lilies saw their sister on the shore (увидели свою сестру на берегу; to see) and her clothes gone (и /что/ ее одежда пропала: «ушла»), they began to laugh (они начали сметься; to begin) and make sport of her (и подшучивать над ней). Then, cowering (затем, сжавшись, съежившись) and crouching down (и сев на корточки /вниз/), she began to cry and lament (она начала плакать и жаловаться), saying (говоря), "How can I go home now, with my own sisters laughing at me (когда, при том что мои сестры смеются надо мной)? If I stir (если я шевельнусь = сдвинусь с места) from this (от этого = с этого /скорченного/ положения), everybody will see me (каждый увидит меня = все увидят меня) and make sport of me."

pleasure [`pleż∂] laugh [lα:f] content [k∂n`tent]

1 At midday the three sisters came to the lake, and, leaving their clothes on the strand, went into the water. When all three were in the lake swimming and playing with great pleasure and sport, the king's son slipped out and took the clothes of the sister with the yellow lily.

2 After they had bathed in the lake to their hearts' content, the three sisters came out. When the two with the blue and the white lilies saw their sister on the shore and her clothes gone, they began to laugh and make sport of her. Then, cowering and crouching down, she began to cry and lament, saying, "How can I go home now, with my own sisters laughing at me? If I stir from this, everybody will see me and make sport of me."

1 The sisters went home and left her there (ушли домой и оставили ее там; to leave – оставлять, покидать). When they were gone (когда они ушли: «были ушедшими»), and she was alone at the water (и она была одна у воды) crying and sobbing (плача и рыдая), all at once (вдруг: «совершенно в один момент, сразу») she came to herself (она пришла в себя) and called out (и выкрикнула, позвала), "Whoever took my clothes, I'll forgive him (я прощу ему) if he brings them to me now (если он принесет их мне сейчас), and I'll save him from the danger he is in if I can."

2 When he heard this (когда он услышал это; to hear), the king's son put the clothes out to her (высунул, выложил одежду наружу к ней), and stayed behind himself (а сам остался позади = за скалой) till she told him to come forth (пока она не сказала ему выйти; to tell - говорить; forth – вперед, дальше; наружу).

gone [gon] once [wLns] heard [h∂:d]

1 The sisters went home and left her there. When they were gone, and she was alone at the water crying and sobbing, all at once she came to herself and called out, "Whoever took my clothes, I'll forgive him if he brings them to me now, and I'll save him from the danger he is in if I can."

2 When he heard this, the king's son put the clothes out to her, and stayed behind himself till she told him to come forth.

1 Then she said (затем она сказала), "I know well where you are going (я хорошо знаю, куда ты идешь). My father (мой отец), the Giant of Loch Léin, has a soft bed waiting for you (имеет мягкую постель, ожидающую тебя), - a deep tank of water (глубокий колодец воды; tank - бак, резервуар, водоем) for your death (для твоей смерти). But don't be uneasy (но не беспокойся: «не будь беспокойным, тревожным»; easy – легко; take it easy! – не беспокойся: «бери, принимай это легко»); go into the water (зайди в воду), and wait till I come to save you (и жди, пока я приду спасти тебя). Be at that castle above (будь в замке, который там наверху: «над») before my father (до, раньше моего отца). When he comes home tonight (когда он вернется домой сегодня вечером) and asks for you (и спросит тебя, о тебе), take no meat from him (не принимай от него мяса = пищи), but go to rest in the tank (но иди отдыхать: «покоиться» в водоем, колодец) when he tells you (когда он тебе скажет)."

2 The giant's daughter left the king's son, who went his way to the castle alone (который пошел своим путем до замка один) at a fair and easy gait (красивой и легкой походкой), for he had time enough on his hands (потому что имел достаточно времени «на своих руках») and to spare (и еще в запасе: «и чтобы сберечь, сэкономить, отложить»).

soft [soft] death [deθ] enough [ı`nLf]

1 Then she said, "I know well where you are going. My father, the Giant of Loch Léin, has a soft bed waiting for you, - a deep tank of water for your death. But don't be uneasy; go into the water, and wait till I come to save you. Be at that castle above before my father. When he comes home tonight and asks for you, take no meat from him, but go to rest in the tank when he tells you."

2 The giant's daughter left the king's son, who went his way to the castle alone at a fair and easy gait, for he had time enough on his hands and to spare.

1 When the Giant of Loch Léin came home that night, the first question he asked was (первым вопросом, который он спросил, был), "Is the son of the king of Erin here (здесь)?"

2 "I am (да: «я есть /здесь/»)," said the king's son.

3"Come," said the giant, "and get your evening's meat (и возьми мясо = еду себе на ужин)."

4 "I'll take no meat now (я не возьму сейчас мяса), for I don't need it (потому что оно мне не нужно: «не нуждаюсь в нем» = не голоден)," said the king's son.

5 "Well, come with me then (ну, иди со мной тогда), and I'll show you your bed (и я покажу тебе твою постель)." He went, and the giant put the king's son into the deep tank of water to drown (чтобы утонул), and being tired himself (и будучи уставшим сам) from hunting all day (от охоты, от того, что охотился целый день) over the mountains and hills of Erin (по горам и холмам Эрина), he went to sleep (уснул).

meat [mi:t] show [∫∂u] drown [draun]

1 When the Giant of Loch Léin came home that night, the first question he asked was, "Is the son of the king of Erin here?"

2 "I am," said the king's son.

3 "Come," said the giant, "and get your evening's meat."

4 "I'll take no meat now, for I don't need it," said the king's son.

5 "Well, come with me then, and I'll show you your bed." He went, and the giant put the king's son into the deep tank of water to drown, and being tired himself from hunting all day over the mountains and hills of Erin, he went to sleep.

1 That minute his youngest daughter came (в ту же: «в ту» минуту пришла его младшая дочь), took the king's son out of the tank (вытащила королевского сына из водоема; to take - брать), placed plenty to eat (поставила: «расположила» множество еды) and to drink before him (и питья перед ним), and gave him a good bed to sleep on that night (и дала ему хорошую постель, на которой спать этой ночью; to give).

2 The giant's daughter watched (смотрела, наблюдала) till she heard her father stirring before daybreak (пока /не/ услышала, как ее отец зашевелился перед рассветом); then she roused (подняла) the king's son, and put him in the tank again (и снова поместила его в водоем).

minute [`mınıt] watch [wot∫] daybreak [`deıbreık]

1 That minute his youngest daughter came, took the king's son out of the tank, placed plenty to eat and to drink before him, and gave him a good bed to sleep on that night.

2 The giant's daughter watched till she heard her father stirring before daybreak; then she roused the king's son, and put him in the tank again.

1 Soon the giant came to the tank and called out (вскоре великан пришел к водоему и выкрикнул, позвал),
2 "Are you here (ты здесь), son of the king of Erin?"

3 "I am," said the king's son.

4 "Well, come out now (ну, теперь выходи). There is (имеется, есть: «здесь есть») a great work for you today (большущая работа для тебя сегодня). I have a stable (у меня есть конюшня) outside (снаружи = вне замка), in which I keep five hundred horses (в которой я содержу пятьсот лошадей), and that stable has not been cleaned (и эта конюшня не была чищена = ее не чистили) these seven hundred years (эти /последние/ семьсот лет). My great-grandmother (моя прабабушка) when a girl (когда /была девочкой/) lost a slumber-pin (потеряла «булавку дремы»: slumber – сон, дремота + pin – булавка, шпилька)somewhere in that stable (где-то в той конюшне), and never could find it (и никак не смогла найти: «никогда не нашла» ее). You must have that pin for me (ты должен иметь ту булавку для меня = у тебя уже должна быть та булавка) when I come home tonight (когда я вернусь домой сегодня вечером); if you don't (= if you don't have - если /же/ нет = если не будешь иметь), your head will be on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow (твоя голова будет на семисотом колышке завтра)."

stable [steıbl] somewhere [`sLmwe∂] could [kud]

1 Soon the giant came to the tank and called out,
2 "Are you here, son of the king of Erin?"

3 "I am," said the king's son.

4 "Well, come out now. There is a great work for you today. I have a stable outside, in which I keep five hundred horses, and that stable has not been cleaned these seven hundred years. My great-grandmother when a girl lost a slumber-pin somewhere in that stable, and never could find it. You must have that pin for me when I come home tonight; if you don't, your head will be on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow."

1 Then two shovels were brought for him (затем две лопаты были принесены для него; to bring - приносить) to choose from (чтобы выбрать из /них одну/) to clean out the stable (чтобы вычистить конюшню), an old and a new one (старая и новая). He chose the new shovel (to choose - выбирать), and went to work (и приступил: «пошел» к работе).

2 For every shovelful (на каждую лопату /полную грязи/) he threw out (которую он выбрасывал наружу; to throw), two came in (/другие/ две приходили внутрь); and soon the door of the stable was closed on him (и вскоре дверь конюшни была закрыта, закрыла его). When (когда) the stable-door was closed, the giant's daughter called from outside (позвала снаружи): "How are you thriving now (как ты сейчас преуспеваешь = как у тебя получается), king's son?"

3 "I'm not thriving at all (я не преуспеваю вовсе)," said the king's son, "for as much as I throw out (поскольку столько же, сколько я выкидываю), twice (вдвое) as much comes in, and the door is closed against me (и дверь закрылась «против» меня = я оказался взаперти)."

4 "You must make a way for me to come in (ты должен сделать дорогу, проложить путь для меня, чтобы войти), and I'll help you (и я помогу тебе)," said she.

5 "How can I do that (как я могу сделать это = как мне сделать это)?" asked the king's son.

6 However, she did it (однако, она сделала это). The giant's daughter made her way into the stable, and she wasn't long inside (и она не долго была, пробыла внутри) till the stable was cleared (как: «пока» конюшня /не/ была вычищена), and she saw the slumber-pin(и она увидела ночную булавку).

7 "There is the pin (вот булавка) over there (вон там: «через, там») in the corner (в углу)," said she to the king's son, who put it in his bosom (который положил ее себе за пазуху; bosom - грудь) to give to the giant (чтобы отдать великану).

shovels [∫Lvlz] threw [θru:] bosom [`buz∂m]

1 Then two shovels were brought for him to choose from to clean out the stable, an old and a new one. He chose the new shovel, and went to work.

2 For every shovelful he threw out, two came in; and soon the door of the stable was closed on him. When the stable-door was closed, the giant's daughter called from outside, "How are you thriving now, king's son?"

3 "I'm not thriving at all," said the king's son for as much as I throw out, twice as much comes in, and the door is closed against me."

4 "You must make a way for me to come in, and I'll help you," said she.

5 "How can I do that?" asked the king's son.

6 However, she did it. The giant's daughter made her way into the stable, and she wasn't long inside till the stable was cleared, and she saw the slumber-pin.

7 "There is the pin over there in the corner," said she to the king's son, who put it in his bosom to give to the giant.

1 Now he was happy (теперь он был счастлив), and the giant's daughter had good meat and drink (имела хорошее мясо = еду, и питье) put before him (поставленными перед ним = выставила перед ним угощение).

2 When the giant himself came home (когда сам великан пришел домой), he asked (он спросил),
3 "How did you do your work today (как ты сегодня поработал: «как ты сделал твою работу сегодня»)?"

4 "I did it well (я сделал ее хорошо); I thought nothing of it (я ничего о ней не думал = легко, не задумываясь; to think - думать)."

5 "Did you find the slumber-pin?"

6 "I did indeed (я действительно = конечно /нашел/); here 't is for you (вот, пожалуйста: «здесь она для тебя»)."

7 "Oh! then (тогда)," said the giant, "it is either the devil or my daughter (/это есть/ либо дьявол, либо моя дочь) that helped you to do that work (кто помог тебе сделать эту работу), for I know you never did it alone (потому что я знаю, ты вовсе: «никогда» не сделал ее сам)."

8 "It's neither the devil (это ни дьявол) nor your daughter (ни твоя дочь), but my own strength (но моя собственная сила; strong – сильный) that did the work," said the son of the king of Erin.

9 "You have done the work (ты выполнил: «сделал» работу /to do-did-done/); now you must have your meat (теперь тебе нужно поесть: «должен иметь твое мясо = пищу»)."

10 "I want no meat today (я не хочу сегодня никакого мяса); I am well satisfied as I am (я вполне удовлетворен, как я есть)," said the king's son.

11 "Well (хорошо, ладно, ну)," said the giant, "since you'll have no meat (раз ты не хочешь есть, не будешь есть), you must go to sleep in the tank (тебе нужно: «ты должен» пойти спать в водоем)."

12 He went into the tank. The giant himself was soon snoring (сам великан вскоре храпел: «был вскоре храпящим»), for he was tired (потому что он устал: «был уставшим») from hunting over Erin all day (оттого, что охотился по Эрину весь день).

13 The moment her father was away (в тот момент, как ее отец ушел, удалился: «был прочь»), Yellow Lily came, took the king's son out of the tank (вытащила наружу), gave him a good supper (дала ему хороший ужин; to give) and bed (и постель), and watched (и следила, присматривала) till the giant was stirring before daybreak (пока великан /не/ зашевелился: «был шевелящимся» перед рассветом). Then she roused the king's son (подняла = разбудила) and put him in the tank (поместила).

devil [devl] either ['aıð∂] put [put]

1 Now he was happy, and the giant's daughter had good meat and drink put before him.

2 When the giant himself came home, he asked,
3 "How did you do your work today?"

4 "I did it well; I thought nothing of it."

5 "Did you find the slumber-pin?"

6 "I did indeed; here 't is for you."

7 "Oh! then," said the giant, "it is either the devil or my daughter that helped you to do that work, for I know you never did it alone."

8 "It's neither the devil nor your daughter, but my own strength that did the work," said the son of the king of Erin.

9 "You have done the work; now you must have your meat."

10 "I want no meat today; I am well satisfied as I am," said the king's son.

11 "Well," said the giant, "since you'll have no meat, you must go to sleep in the tank."

12 He went into the tank. The giant himself was soon snoring, for he was tired from hunting over Erin all day.

13 The moment her father was away, Yellow Lily came, took the king's son out of the tank, gave him a good supper and bed, and watched till the giant was stirring before daybreak. Then she roused the king's son and put him in the tank.

1 "Are you alive in the tank (ты жив)?" asked the giant at daybreak.

2 "I am," said the king's son.

3 "Well, you have a great work before you today (ну, тебе предстоит очень большая работа сегодня: «ты имеешь великую работу перед тобой сегодня»). That stable you cleaned yesterday (конюшня, которую ты вчера вычистил) hasn't been thatched (не покрывалась соломой) these seven hundred years (эти /последние/ семьсот лет; thatch – соломенная или тростниковая крыша, солома или тростник /для кровли/), and if you don't have it thatched for me (и если ты не покроешь ее для меня) when I come home tonight (когда я приду сегодня вечером домой), with birds' feathers (птичьими перьями), and not two feathers of one colour or kind (и /чтобы/ не было двух перьев одного цвета или вида), I'll have your head on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow."

4 "Here are two whistles (вот: «здесь» два свистка, свистульки; to whistle – свистеть), - an old, and a new one (старая и новая); take your choice of them (выбери одну из них: «возьми твой выбор из них») to call the birds (чтобы подзывать птиц)."

alive [∂`laıv] feathers [`feð∂] colour [`kLl∂]

1 "Are you alive in the tank?" asked the giant at daybreak.

2 "I am," said the king's son.

3 "Well, you have a great work before you today. That stable you cleaned yesterday hasn't been thatched these seven hundred years, and if you don't have it thatched for me when I come home tonight, with birds' feathers, and not two feathers of one colour or kind, I'll have your head on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow."

4 "Here are two whistles, - an old, and a new one; take your choice of them to call the birds."

1 The king's son took the new whistle, and set out over the hills and valleys (и отправился по холмам и долинам, через холмы и долины; to set – класть, ставить; пускаться /в путь/), whistling as he went (свистя, насвистывая во время ходьбы: «в то время как шел»). But no matter how he whistled (но как он ни свистел: «неважно, как он свистел»; matter – вещество, материя; сущность, содержание), not a bird came near him (ни одна птица не приблизилась к нему: «не подошла, не подлетела близко»). At last (наконец), tired (уставший) and worn out (и изможденный: «изношенный»; to wear - носить; worn - ношенный) with travelling (путешествием, хождением) and whistling (и свистом, свистанием), he sat down (он присел: «сел вниз»; to sit) on a hillock (на холмик, бугор) and began to cry (и начал плакать; to begin).

2 That moment Yellow Lily was at his side (появилась возле: «была у его бока» side – бок, сторона) with a cloth (со скатертью; cloth – ткань, сукно; скатерть), which she spread out (которую она расстелила; to spread – развертывать, распространять/ся/), and there was a grand meal before him (и вот: «и там была» великолепная еда, кушанье перед ним). He hadn't finished eating and drinking (он /еще/ не закончил есть и пить), before the stable was thatched with birds' feathers (как: «до того, как» конюшня была покрыта, крыта птичьими перьями), and no two of them of one colour or kind (и не было двух из них одного цвета или вида).

3 When he came home that evening the giant called out (когда он вернулся домой этим вечером, великан выкрикнул), "Have you the stable thatched for me tonight?"

4 "I have indeed," said the king's son; "and small trouble I had with it (и мало беспокойства я имел с этим = не много хлопот мне это доставило»)."

5 "If that's true (если это правда)," said the giant, "either the devil or my daughter helped you."

6 "It was my own strength, and not the devil or your daughter that helped me," said the king's son.

7 He spent that night (он провел эту ночь; to spend – тратить; проводить /о времени/) as he had the two nights before (так же, как он /провел/ две предыдущие ночи: «две ночи до этого, прежде»).

travelling [trævlıŋ] spread [spred] cloth [kloθ]

1 The king's son took the new whistle, and set out over the hills and valleys, whistling as he went. But no matter how he whistled, not a bird came near him. At last, tired and worn out with travelling and whistling, he sat down on a hillock and began to cry.

2 That moment Yellow Lily was at his side with a cloth, which she spread out, and there was a grand meal before him. He hadn't finished eating and drinking, before the stable was thatched with birds' feathers, and no two of them of one colour or kind.

3 When he came home that evening the giant called out, "Have you the stable thatched for me tonight?"

4 "I have indeed," said the king's son; "and small trouble I had with it."

5 "If that's true," said the giant, "either the devil or my daughter helped you."

6 "It was my own strength, and not the devil or your daughter that helped me," said the king's son.

7 He spent that night as he had the two nights before.

1 Next morning (на следующее утро), when the giant found him alive in the tank (когда великан обнаружил его живым в водоеме = обнаружил, что он еще жив; to find – находить), he said,
"There is great work before you today, which you must do (которую /работу/ ты должен сделать), or your head'll be on the spike tomorrow. Below here (здесь внизу: «внизу здесь»), under my castle (у подножья моего замка: «под моим замком»), is a tree (есть дерево) nine hundred feet high (девятьсот футов высотой; foot = 30,48 см), and there isn't a limb on that tree (и нету ни сучка на том дереве), from the roots up (от корней вверх), except one small limb at the very top (кроме одного маленького сучка на самой верхушке), where there is a crow's nest (где находится воронье гнездо, гнездо вороны). The tree is covered with glass (дерево покрыто стеклом) from the ground to the crow's nest (от земли до вороньего гнезда). In the nest is one egg (яйцо): you must have that egg before me here (ты должен иметь то яйцо передо мной здесь) for my supper tonight (для моего ужина сегодня вечером), or I'll have your head on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow."

below [bı`l∂u] crow [kr∂u] cover [`kLv∂]

1 Next morning, when the giant found him alive in the tank, he said,
"There is great work before you today, which you must do, or your head'll be on the spike tomorrow. Below here, under my castle, is a tree nine hundred feet high, and there isn't a limb on that tree, from the roots up, except one small limb at the very top, where there is a crow's nest. The tree is covered with glass from the ground to the crow's nest. In the nest is one egg: you must have that egg before me here for my supper tonight, or I'll have your head on the seven hundredth spike tomorrow."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 302 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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