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Ex.5. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words given below

If you want to go... we must first look through... to find out what.... As it is sometimes rather difficult to get.. we must book them at.... Some people don’t like to have... far from.... They try to get tickets for.... If we little money we take seats on.... When we come to any theatre in our country we leave our coats in... and take... in order to get them back when... is over. If we want to know... we buy.... After this we take our seats and wait for the lights to.... Soon the lights go down,... goes up, the play begins.

The curtain, a theatre, go down, the leading role, is on, the cast, tickets, a check, a playbill, seats, the performance, the stage, book, the stalls, the gallery, go up, box- office, cloakroom.

Ex.6.Speak on the following sub- topics:

b) My first visit to the theatre.

c) “Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play”

d) My leisure hours.

Grammar: Sequence of Tenses.

· If the verb in the principal clause is in one of the past tenses, a past tense (or future –in-the-past) must be used in the subordinate clause. The action expressed in the subordinate clause can be simultaneous with the action expressed in the principal clause,prior or posterior to that of the principal clause.

· Simultaneous Action

I knew that he lived in Kiev (он живет в Киеве)

He said that they were waiting for us (они ждут нас)

I knew that he had been living in Kiev since 1946 (он живет в Киеве с 1946)

He said (that) he had known her for two years (он знает ее 2 года)

· Prior Action -

He said that he had already left Astana (он уже уехал из Астаны)

I knew that - it had been raining ( что шел дождь)

He said that she had been ill for two weeks (она болела две недели)

· Future Action

I knew that they would arrive on Sunday (они приедут в воскресенье)

He said that they would be working at 6 (в 6 они будут работать)

I knew that he would have translated the article by Monday

(он уже переведет эту статью к понедельнику)

· Study how the Tenses are changed according

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