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YOU and YOUR HEALTH. Практические цели:Практиковать студентов в устной речи по теме, практиковать студентов в изложении текста и в высказываниях проблемных вопросов по теме

Практические цели: Практиковать студентов в устной речи по теме, практиковать студентов в изложении текста и в высказываниях проблемных вопросов по теме, обобщение и закрепление лексического материала.

How Healthy Are You?

Check your knowledge.

What sort of shape are you in? Are you the sort of person who goes for a run each morning, or are you the other kind who gets out of breath when reaching for a cigarette?

Maybe you have a lot of energy. You go to work or school, you make decisions all day, you do extra work at home. Exercise? You don’t have enough time - why bother anyway?

Well, the answer to that question is your body design. Human beings weren’t built for sitting at a desk all day: your body is constructed for hunting, jumping, lifting, running, climbing and a variety of other activities. If you don’t get the exercise that your body wants, then things can go badly wrong. Your mind works all day, and your to severe illness to early death.

Not a very cheerful thought, and of course the natural reaction is “It’s not going to happen to me”. Maybe, maybe not. Here are two ways of looking after yourself: firstly, by seeing if you are doing the right sort of exercise, and secondly by seeing if you have the right kind of diet.

Ex. 1. Summarize the text.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 405 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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