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Ex. 4. Translate into English

1. Если мы сможем разрешить экологические проблемы, мы спасем землю.

2. Люди будут здоровыми, если загрязнение воздуха остановиться.

3. Мы выживем, если будем защищать природу все вместе.

4. Когда поедешь на юг, постарайся не находиться под прямыми лучами солнца долго.

5. Когда экология станет лучше, животные вернутся в места своего обитания.

Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense.

I am reading I am not reading Am I reading?
He is reading He is not reading Is he reading?
She is reading She is not reading Is she reading?
It is reading It is not reading Is it reading?
We are reading We are not reading Are we reading?
You are reading You are not reading Are you reading?
They are reading They are not reading Are they reading?

The Present Continuous may denote:

· an action going on at the present moment:

Why are you wearing that funny hat?

What’s that smell? – Something is burning.

· a future action when it is planned:

I am leaving tonight.

They are getting married in June.

· a continuous process (with the adverbs always, constantly):

The Earth is always moving.

· an action thought of as continuous process (with the adverbs always, constantly):

He is always grumbling.

She is constantly laughing.

Verbs not used in the Continuous Form.

The following groups of verbs do not express a process, that is why they are not used in the Continuous Form:

· Verbs denoting sense perceptionto see, to hear;

· Verbs denoting mental activityto know, to believe, to think (= have an opinion), to doubt, to feel (= have an opinion), to guess, to imagine, to mean, to realize, to recognize, to remember, to suppose, to understand;

· Verbs denoting wish - to want, to wish;

· Verbs denoting feeling - to love, to like, to dislike, to hate, to prefer;

· Verbs denoting abstract relations - to be, to have, to contain, to depend, to belong, to concern, to consist of, to deserve, to fit, to include, to involve, to lack, to matter, to need, to owe, to own, to possess, to appear, to resemble, to seem;

· Verbs denoting physical properties of objectsto measure (= have length, etc.), to taste (= have a flavor), to smell (= give out a smell), to sound, to weigh (= have weight);

· Verbs denoting affect or influence - to astonish, to impress, to please, to satisfy, to surprise.

NOTE: Such expressions as:

v to see the sights of;

v to see somebody home / off;

v to have dinner (lunch, supper)

can be used in the Continuous Form.

They were seeing the sights of London when I met them.

He is having lunch.

· denoting an opinion –cannot be used in the Continuous Form.

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