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Fill the gaps with the words from above. 1) The driver has failed to pay more than 50 ____________since 2006

Part 1

1) The driver has failed to pay more than 50 ____________ since 2006. In addition, he was involved in a drunk driving incident in 2007, police said. 2) Youngsters who break the law would be offered an opportunity to avoid a criminal record by undergoing ____________________ such as picking up litter. 3) He was fined $750 and about $550 in fees, received a 90-day ______________ and was required to take a seven-week safety course. 4) The guards will be patrolling the _____________ all day long 5) Your license shows a clean driving record except for one ____________________ from five years ago. 6) Nasr was put under _____________ in Egypt in 2004 and said he had been tortured while in detention. 7) The acused turns into the ____________________ right after the jury pleaded him guilty.

Part 2

1) A judge has sentenced Griffin to _____________________on his murder charge and an additional five years for a second weapons charge. 2) Article 5 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, "No one shall be subjected to ________________ or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 3) US banking giant JP Morgan Chase has agreed to__________________ of $75m (£45.3m) to settle charges that it bribed local officials in the US state of Alabama, 4) You won't be required to _________ any ________ but you will have to pay a fine. 5) Kerik pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors in 2006 and was forced to pay $221000 in fines, but served no _____________. 6) We'll have to keep you in a _____________ until someone comes to pay your bail.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 319 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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