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EXERCISES. I. Read, analyse and translate the following sentences:

I. Read, analyse and translate the following sentences:

expressing a real condition referring to present, past and future (Type I)

1. If you work hard, you will be able to finish the work in time. 2. If you are right, then I am wrong. 3. If it is not raining, we shall play football. 4. I shall not help him, unless he asks me. 5. If the water in the sea was not cold, we always went for a swim. 6. You will see the Kremlin if you go to Moscow. 7. If you have time, help me. 8. She will enjoy the music, if she hears the new opera of this famous composer.

b) expressing an unreal condition referring to present and future (Type II)

1. Helen would fly to Moscow tomorrow if she got a ticket.2. If he had time, he would do the work. 3. If she were more attentive, she would not make so many mistakes. 4. If the rain stopped, the children could go for a walk. 5. If you had a chance of speaking English you would improve it. 6. You would be cold if you did not wear a warm coat.

c) expressing an unreal condition referring to past (Type III)

1. If he had gone to the station an hour ago, he would not have missed the train. 2. The teacher would have helped you if you had any doubts about the exercise. 3. If she had worked hard, she would have learned grammar. 4. I should have spoken if I had been sure of the answer. 5. If I had known your telephone number, I should have phoned you. 6. I should have done a much better translation if I had had a better dictionary.

II. State the type of the conditional sentences and translate them:

1. I would buy this coat if I had had more money. 2. If I had come home much earlier yesterday, we should have finished the work. 3. If she goes to Moscow, she always visits the Tretyakov Gallery. 4. You will not solve this problem unless you know the Viet’s theorem. 5. If it were not so late, we would continue our discussion. 6. If you follow the advice of the teacher, you will save a lot of time. 7. If I had understood the importance of learning English at school, I should have known it quite well. 8. We may discuss this problem later, if you are busy now. 9. If I go to St. Peterburg, I shall try to see a wonderful collection of pictures in the Hermitage. 10. We could read the sentences written on the board, unless it were so dark in the classroom. 11. They would improve their English if they spent more time in the language laboratory.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. If it were not so late …. 2. If he works hard …. 3. If I offer you my help …. 4. If the rain stops …. 5. If I had known the answer …. 6. If you go on smoking …. 7. I will stay at home tomorrow, if …. 8. If the students read more English books …. 9. He would have visited his parents last Sunday, unless …. 10. You will enjoy the fresh air if …. 11. If this book were more interesting ….

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What will you do next Sunday if the weather is good? 2. Where would you go if you were free now? 3. Would your favourite football team have won the last match if the football players had trained more? 4. Will you speak English much better if you work with a tape-recorder? 5. Will you study French if you have enough time? 6. What foreign language will you study if you have time? 7. Whom will you ask to help you, if you can’t translate this article yourself? 8. What would you visit in London if you had an opportunity to go there? 9. How long can you stay in the South, if you go there in summer? 10. What present would you buy for your mother if it were her birthday tomorrow? 11. Will you go to the station by bus or by the underground if you have little time? 12. Will he improve his health if he goes in for sport?

V. Translate into English:

1. Если вы пойдете в библиотеку, вы найдете там нужную вам книгу. 2. Он бы помог вам, если бы он был в городе сейчас. 3. Если бы я знала ее адрес, я бы написала ей немедленно. 4. Если бы Анна приняла участие в спортивных соревнованиях вчера, она бы заняла первое место. 5. Я бы взял такси, если бы знал, что у нас так мало времени. 6. Если бы я хорошо знала английский язык, я бы читала произведения английских и американских авторов только по-английски. 7. Я бы купила этот англо-русский словарь, если бы у меня было достаточно денег. 8. Ваша команда обязательно выиграет следующий матч, если вы будете много тренироваться. 9. Если бы я была на вашем месте, я бы не обратилась к нему за советом. 10. Если она не сможет прийти к вам сама, она позвонит вам по телефону.

VI. Guess the meaning of these words:

coordinate figure function constant

system parameter analytic complex

orthogonal family interval fixed

distance real form ordinary

portion hypothesis contrary linear

reserve proportional revolution implicit

explicit term result projection

special cylinder identity section

VII. Learn the following words:

curve (n) ['kWv] кривая

dimension (n) dI'menSqn] размерность

establish (v) [Is'txblIS] устанавливать

describe (v) [dIs'kraIb] описывать

locus (loci) (n) ['loukqs] [lou'saI] геометрическое место

single (adj) [sINgl] единственный, одиночный, единый

infinity (n) [In'fInItI] бесконечность

vary (v) ['vFqrI] менять(ся), изменять(ся)

variable (n) ['vFrIqbl] переменная

proper (adj) ['prOpq] собственный, правильный

permit (v) [pq'mIt] позволять, допускать, разрешать

take on (v) ['teIk'On] принимать

condition (n) [kqndISqn] условие

imaginary (adj) [ImxdInqrI] мнимый, воображаемый

reduce (v) [rI'dju:s] приводить, уменьшать, превращать

occur (v) [q'kq] случаться, происходить

singular (adj) [sINgjulq] особый

assume (v) [q'sju:m] допускать, принимать

expand (v) [Iks'pxnd] разлагать

power series ['pauq'sIqrI:z] степенной ряд

converge (v) [kqn'vq:G] сходиться

adduce (v) [q'dju:s] представлять

revolve (v) [rI'vOlv] вращать(ся), поворачивать(ся)

revolution (n) ["revq'lu:Sn] вращение

implicit (adj) [Im'lIsIt] неявный

explicit (adj) [IksIt] явный

point of view ['pOInt qv vju:] точка зрения

simultaneous (adj) ["sImql'te'njes] одновременный, совместный

helix (n) ['hI:lIks] спираль, спиральная линия

twisted cubic [twIstId 'kjubIk] неплоская кривая 3-го порядка

residual (adj) [rI'zIdjuql] остаточный, оставшийся

screw (n) [skru:] винт, шуруп

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