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Transitional Phrases

Transitional words and phrases keep the reader “on track.” They keep the reader understand the relationship between one idea or statement and subsequent ones.

1. Adding ideas: besides for example (e.g.) for instance furthermore in addition in fact indeed likewise moreover once more similarly that is (i.e.) then, too 2. As expected: as a matter of fact for that matter it follows that naturally obviously of course surely to be sure 3. Cause and effect: accordingly and so and that’s why as a consequence as a result as might be expected consequently for this reason hence since then therefore thus 4. Contrast: at the same time conversely despite however in spite of nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding not at all on the contrary on the other hand still unlike yet 5. Concession: although but of course certainly doubtless granted that of course though to be sure to doubt that whereas 6. Degrees of certainty: anyhow anyway certainly doubtless in all likelihood in all probability in any case indeed perhaps possibly probably surely 7. Qualification: especially frequently if in case in general in particular inasmuch lest occasionally particularly provided that specifically unless 8. Repetition: as noted as noted earlier as we have seen besides in any case in fact in other words indeed to put it another way to repeat 9. Summary: all in all finally in a word in brief in conclusion in short in summary in summation on the whole therefore to conclude to make a long story short to sum it up to summarize  

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 353 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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