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The Inellectual Property Day

(from: www. elsdiscussions.com)

World Intellectual Property Day takes place on April 26 every year. It was on this day in 1970 that the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) came into being. It organizes many of the awareness campaigns that happen on World Intellectual Property Day. Its aim is to make people aware of what intellectual property is and what it means. WIPO decided in 1999 that a special day was needed each year to highlight what intellectual property is. It says most people think things like intellectual property, copyright, patents, industrial designs and trademarks are business or legal concepts. WIPO says people do not think intellectual property is something that affects their daily lives.

Intellectual property is a system that protects human creativity and makes sure it flourishes. It provides a legal framework to stop people from stealing the work and ideas of those who create and innovate. It covers a broad area of human activity, from literature, music, arts and entertainment, to technological innovations and patents that help to shape our world. Intellectual property also relates to symbols, names, images and commercial designs. Anyone who creates anything original is protected by intellectual property laws. The aim of World Intellectual Property Day is to get people to respect the work of others and make sure the originators do not lose money or experience a loss of reputation because of illegal copying.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 478 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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