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Tasks for the article. Ex. 1. CHAT: talk in pairs or groups about cigarettes / cigars / smoking / Marlboro / Tobacco advertising /

Ex.1. CHAT: Talk in pairs or groups about cigarettes / cigars / smoking / Marlboro / tobacco advertising / …

Ex.2. CIGARETTE BRAINSTORM: Spend one minute writing down all the words you associate with the word ‘cigarette'. Share your words with your partner / group and talk about them.

Ex.3. DEBATES: Students face each other in pairs and engage in the following debates:

a. Smoking should not be banned in public places vs. It should.

a. Smokers have rights vs. They don’t.

b. Passive smoking doesn’t kill people vs. It does.

c. Smoking doesn’t kill you; vs. It does.

d. You can’t ban smoking in pubs and bars vs. You can.

e. This treaty will not work. vs. It will.

f. Smoking will completely disappear one day. vs. It won’t.

g. This treaty isn’t fair on smokers. vs. Tough.

Ex.4. ' FILTHY' HABIT DISCUSSION: Talk about other ‘filthy’ / bad / unsociable / unhealthy habits. Compare the following with smoking:

a. drinking (alcohol)

a. spitting in the street

b. graffiti

c. showing gum as you chew it

d. peeing (urinating) in the street

e. littering

f. using a loud Walkman on the train

g. wearing strong perfume in a crowded area

h. talking loudly on a mobile phone

i. using bad language

Ex.5. WRITING: SMOKERS I KNOW: Write down the names of three smokers you know. Tell each other about these smokers.

Ex.6. WORD SEARCH: Students look in their dictionaries / computer to find collocations, other meanings, information, synonyms … of the words ‘anti’ and ‘tobacco’.

Ex.7. TRUE / FALSE: Guess if a-h below are true (T) or false (F).

a. Every country in the world has signed up to an anti-tobacco treaty. T / F

b. The United States of America has signed up to an anti-tobacco treaty. T / F

c. The treaty means it will become law in the countries that ratify it. T / F

d. The treaty outlines strict controls on smoking in public places. T / F

e. Adults will be persuaded to kick the habit. T / F

f. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the world.. T / F

g. Fifty million people a year die because of smoking. T / F

h. The World Health Organization is confident that this treaty is going to save lives.

T / F

Ex.8. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article:

(a) treaty quit
(b) ratify harness
(c) overall talked out of
(d) legally binding rubber stamp
(e) regulations millstone
(f) kick the habit controls
(g) dissuaded agreement
(h) preventable stoppable
(i) curb general
(j) burden the law

Ex.9. PHRASE MATCH: Match the following phrases based on the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible):

(a) went into effectiveness
(b) The US and China are still for five million deaths a year
(c) raises yet to ratify it
(d) overall habit
(e) legally deaths
(f) kick the to do so
(g) smoking accounts effect yesterday
(h) preventable moment
(i) It is an historical binding
(j) it is going to continue fears

Ex.10. GAP-FILL: Fill in the gaps in the text using the words on the right.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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