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The London Dungeon

1. The London Dungeon (lie) _______ in the oldest part of London - in an old subterranean prison (that's what the word Dungeon (stand)_______(for).

2. The museum (take) _______ its visitors on a journey through England's bloody history.

3. It (demonstrate) _______ the brutal killings and tortures of the past.

4. You (experience / can) _______ for example how people (die) _______ on the Gallow or during the Plague of 1665.

5. The Dungeon also (show) _______ scenes of Jack the Ripper or the beheading of Anne Boleyn, who (be) _______ one of Henry VIII’s six wives.

6. The atmosphere at the Dungeon (be) _______ really scary - nothing for the faint-hearted.

7. While you (walk) _______ around the Dungeon, watch out for creepy creatures - the Dungeon (employ) _______ actors to give its visitors the fright of their lives.

8. The actors, dressed as monsters, ghosts or executers, (hide) _______ in the dark corners of the Dungeon and then suddenly (jump) _______ out and (grab)_______ one of the visitors.

9. And the horror (end / not) _______ at the exit of the exhibition.

10. (you / eat / ever) _______ a pizza with fingers and eyeballs on it?

11. Well, if you (fancy) _______that kind of food, you (love) _______ the meals at the Dungeon restaurant.

12. The museum (want) _______ to provoke, shock, educate and delight.

13. And this it (do) _______ extremely well.

14. Since its opening in 1975, the Dungeon (attract) _______ many visitors from all over the world.

15. Besides the regular opening hours, the Dungeon sometimes also (open) _______ at night.

16. If you (have) _______ enough money and nerves of steel, you (book / can)_______ the Dungeon for parties, conferences or charity events at night.

17. And on 31 October, a frightfully good Halloween Party (take place) _______ at the Dungeon every year.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 779 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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