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Unit 4.2

III. 1; 2; 4.

IV. 1. a); 2. c); 3. a); 4. b); 5. c).

V. c).

VII. a) strengthen; b) insufficient; c) pass; d) supervise; e) salary; f) outpace; g) requirement.

Unit 4.3

II. 1 – c); 2 – c); 3 – c); 4 – a).

III. 1 – b); 2- a); 3 – e); 4 – c); 5 – d).

IV. a) a councillor; b) Chief Constable; c) Scotland Yard; d) incorruptibility; e) to recruit; f) hostile; g) impartiality.

V. a) to deal with serious problems; b) to maintain law and order; c) relationships with ethnic communities; d) to combat crime; e) magistrates; f) the main functions; g) to maintain public confidence.

Chapter 5.

Unit 5.1.

II. 1.a) 2.b) 3.b) 4.c)

III. 1.b) 2.c) 3.a) 4.e) 5.d)

IV. a) law; b) penalty; c) protection; d) custom; e) to break; f) justice; g) to enforce.

V. a) to break rules; b) to create law; c) interaction among citizens; d) mercy-killing; e) to enforce law; f) to protect property; g) implementation of justice; h) to find smb guilty of the crime; i) to influence the law; j) to desert family.

II. 1.a) 2.b) 3.b) 4.c)

III. 1.b) 2.c) 3.a) 4.e) 5.d)

IV. a) law; b) penalty; c) protection; d) custom; e) to break; f) justice; g) to enforce.

V. a) to break rules; b) to create law; c) interaction among citizens; d) mercy-killing; e) to enforce law; f) to protect property; g) implementation of justice; h) to find smb guilty of the crime; i) to influence the law; j) to desert family.

Unit 5.2.

IV. a) trial; b) civil law; c) to settle; d) registrar; e) wrong; f)deterrent; g) to break.

VII. 1. C; 2. A; 3. B; 4. B; 5. C; 6. A; 7. D; 8. A; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. A; 13. C; 14. D; 15. A.

X. 1. False. 2. False. 3. True. 4. False. 5. True.

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