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Indigenous children were more likely to attend school if their communities participated in all decisions about the content and management of their educational systems, a top official of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) told the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Rima Salah said indigenous children would feel comfortable in schools if they harmonized with their culture and traditions in a language they understood. Studies had shown that education conducted in their mother tongue allowed children to learn more quickly and transfer skills to another language.

She added that education for indigenous children meant learning about their own community’s traditions. Emphasizing that non-indigenous children should also receive intercultural education, she said they could then learn about indigenous cultures and languages and positive inputs indigenous people made to overall society.

Bringing together some 1,500 indigenous leaders, this year’s Forum aims to draw up recommendations for the United Nations system in the areas of economic and social development, environment, health, human rights, culture and education.

Speakers underscored the importance of linking educational quality with attention to indigenous language, culture and traditional knowledge.

Illustrating a case where indigenous people had actually gained control over education, Norway’s delegate said her Government had placed it under the authority of Saami parliament. All Saami pupils could receive imstruction in both their language and Norwegian, while the Saami parliament ensured that their education truly reflected Saami culture. The forum stressed the importance of a clear and comprehensive recognition of indigenous rights at the international level.

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Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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