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The word 'program' has come into use to refer to the sequence of instructions that a computer carries out. A program for a computer is an exact sequence of instructions that it uses to solve a problem. It usually consists of subroutines or subprograms, which are portions of it.

Programming for automatic computer requires a good deal of knowledge, common sense and training. Specially, programming requires: (1) understanding the operations of a business or the steps of a scientific calculation; (2) understanding the best way for having a computer carry out these operations and steps; (3) arriving at a good sequence of commands for the computer to solve the problem; and (4) adequately translating these commands into the computer language.

Programming for the computers has several forms. One form is the construction of compiling programs or compilers — which use the computer to take subprograms out of a library and link them together appropriately so as to solve a new problem. A second form is the construction of programs called interpreters, which accept instructions in certain standard words and translate these words into a machine language, so that the machine "knows" what the words "mean". A third form is the development of common languages for automatic programming for problems, so that any problem when expressed in such a language can be given to any automatic computer and the computer will translate the common language into its own instruction code, and then solve the problem.

9. Translate the following dialogue from Russian into English:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 371 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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