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Read the following dialogue. Try to reproduce it



A: Hallo!

В: Is that you, Alec? This is Boris speaking. Why didn't you attend lectures? The whole group's anxious about you, you know.

A Oh, I'm not very well and I have to stay at home.

B: What's the matter with you?

A: It's the flu. My temperature is 38. I have a bad headache. I feel so upset —in some days we'll have the exam in computers.

B: What does the doctor say?

A: He says I must stay in bed for three or four days and take some medicine.

B: Can I do anything for you?

A: Bring me your notes, please. I missed some lectures and now I can't catch the idea of what difference between bipolar and bubble memory is, and what random access memory and read-only memory are... and what chips are...

B: All right. By the way, I've got a textbook "Microcomputer Design". I'll bring it if you like.

A: Thank you, I need it badly. How long may I keep it?

B: Keep it as long as you like. I can borrow another copy from the library. Good-bye. See you in the evening.

A: Good-bye. Give my best regards to the group, please.


to be anxious – беспокоиться

'flu = influenza – грипп

a headache – головная боль

to feel upset – расстраиваться

to catch the idea – понять

by the way – между прочим

I need it badly – она мне очень нужна

to borrow (from the library) – брать (из библиотеки)

Give my best regards – передай привет

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 461 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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