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Some years ago in the United States of America a discussion on the question what an educated man is was organized. At this discussion one of the definitions of an 'educated man' was this:

An educated man:

– is able to read, write, and do arithmetics;

– has a basic knowledge of the history and geography of world and man;

– understands the scientific method, and has an elementary knowledge of at least one science;

– has an elementary knowledge of mathematics and logic, what they are, and how to use them;

– knows at least one other language besides his own well enough to read it and talk a little in it;

– can say what he means in suitable words both speaking and writing;

– is able to listen, knows how to learn, enjoys learning;

– never forgets that his views and opinions may be wrong, and is always ready to change them on evidence;

– has an elementary knowledge of computers and programming, and some active experience with a whole computer is highly desirable.

An educated man of 200 years ago in the United States did not need to know anything about science. An educated man of 25-30 years ago did not need to know anything about computers. But an educated man of today needs to have at least some significant knowledge of science, and at least a little significant knowledge about computers.

The summary knowledge that an educated man should know about computers could be put down on ten sheets of paper, in about 3,000 words.


an educated man – образованный человек

basic knowledge – основные знания

at least – по крайней мере

well enough – достаточно хорошо

suitable – подходящий, соответствующий

views and opinions – точки зрения и мнения

on evidence – при наличии доказательств

to be desirable – быть желательным

significant – существенный

could be put down on ten sheets of paper – могли бы поместиться на десяти страницах

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 517 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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