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Grammar practice. V. Find in the text sentences with the Gerunds and define their forms and functions

V. Find in the text sentences with the Gerunds and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.

VI. Find in the text sentences with the Infinitives and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.

VII. Find in the text sentences with the Participles and define their forms and functions. See Grammar in Use section if necessary.


VIII. Read sentences and decide if they are right or wrong according to the text

1. A command economy is a society where the government makes all decisions about promotion and consumption.

2. The state owns factories and land, and makes most important decisions on allocation of different recourses in command economy.

3. All allocation decisions are much easier to make through government planning.

4. Consumers spend their incomes on the things that bring little satisfaction.

5. Although motivated by the government, you make society better off by creating new jobs and opportunities.

6. Just some countries are mixed economies, and most are close to command economies.

7. In a mixed economy the government controls a significant share of output through taxation, transfer payments etc.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 470 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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