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XVI. Write the letters using the samples given in Exercise ХII

a) Write a letter to the Exhibition Office confirming your participation, fill in accommodation and catalogue order forms, enclose them to your letter and send it.

b) Write a letter of invitation to your foreign and home partner to come and take part in celebration of the anniversary of your firm.

c) Write a letter of refusal of the part of the ordered goods, explaining it by financial difficulties and expressing the request about the switch.

d) Write a letter to your partner with the request to postpone the meeting of the representatives of both firms. What was the purpose of the meeting and what is the reason of your request.

e) Write a letter to one of your customers with apologies for the delay of executing his order.

f) Write a letter to your prospective partner offering him your goods or services.

g) Write a letter of introduction, concerning your expert sent on business trip with the aim of analysing conditions of concluding the agreement on cooperation.

h) Write a letter of guarantee to the Bank Manager giving you the right for overdraft.

i) Write a letter of congratulation on the occasion of grand opening a new firm. Don't miss the chance to advertise your goods or services.

j) Write the answers to all above-mentioned letters.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 352 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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