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X. Study the contents of business letters

1. The Letter of Enquiry:

The enquiry to an unknown supplier should contain:

a) indication of the source of getting information about him (it may be an embassy, consulate, chamber of commerce, exhibition, trade fair, advertisement or some business partner);

b) indication of the demand in your area for the goods, produced or sold by the supplier;

c) request to send you the needed information (a catalogue, price list, methods of payment, delivery times, and, if it is possible, samples of products);

d) a closing sentence, expressing hope for getting a prompt answer from the supplier.

2. The Letter of Offer:

An offer is a reply to an enquiry and, as a rule, it contains:

a) gratitude for the enquiry;

b) information about sending all requested materials;

c) some additional information, not requested by the customer;

d) closing sentences encouraging the customer to place an order and assuring him of proper execution.

3. The Letter of Order:

An order is a request for buying and delivering goods, it usually contains:

a) the source of information about the product (it may be the supplier's representative, catalogue, a sample, advertisement or previous correspondence);

b) information of the required goods: quantity, quality, size, colour, catalogue number, form of packing, delivery time;

c) alternative goods in the case of the goods ordered are not available;

d) a closing sentence encouraging the supplier to give good service for your order.

XI. Find in the dictionary the definitions of the synonyms with the meaning of "удобство"

comfort; convenience; facilities; accommodation.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 336 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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