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On-site visit

Having selected a potential foreign market, the next step is to visit the chosen country and do an on-spot market study as carefully as you would do a market study for a new product line or a new plant investment in Canada.

You will want to be assured that your product meets the market need or can be adapted to it in terms of specifications and designs. You will want information on price

levels, the transportation and distribution system, the availability of local skills at the factory and administrative level, the extent of local educational and training facilities, the local competitors and their strengths and weaknesses. If you plan to begin the venture by shipping parts from Canada for assembly in the host country, you will want to know the customs regulations, valuations duties and the efficiency of ports of entry.

You may find during this exercise that some countries do not wish to have your particular product or plant. Such countries have concluded that additional plants in your product line will only fragment the market or threaten existing companies.

If you plan to sell to government departments or agencies, do not assume that you will have an equal and fair opportunity to bid on tenders. Very carefully check with the local authorities as to whether or not you have a chance of becoming an authorized supplier. You should also determine if there are any language requirements that could present problems in conducting business.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 239 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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