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Grammar practice. V. Find in the text four sentences of at least two different tenses in the Passive Voice, copy them into your exercise books

V. Find in the text four sentences of at least two different tenses in the Passive Voice, copy them into your exercise books, give simple grammar analysis of these sentences.


VI. Look through the text to find the English equivalents of the following terms and give the sentences with them

Свободное предпринимательство, движущая сила, существенный вклад, возможности занятости, нововведение, владение бизнесом, управление бизнесом, вознаграждение, убытки, критерии малого бизнеса, количественная размерная

классификация, личные характеристики, объем продаж

VII. Find in the text the sentences that correspond to the following statements

1. There are different definitions of small business.

2. There are three lines in developing economy.

3. Market economy is based on small business enterprises.

4. Small business is the way to the well – being of people.

5. The people who get risk for the sake of profit may be subject to loss.

6. Entrepreneurs are the driving force of economy.

7. Good investment may result in getting profit.

8. Small business is considered to be a sole proprietor.

9. One of the criteria of small business enterprise is its eligibility for loans.

10. Any entrepreneur should possess definite features for directing business.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 255 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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