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Найдите в тексте слова, соответствующие данным определениям

1. ___________ is the party that is accused in court of a crime or a civil offence.

2. ___________ is the party that starts or carries out civil proceedings. It is usually a private

citizen or a company.

3. ___________ is a civil legal proceeding against someone.

4. ___________ is an official court decision on the case.

5. ___________ are an official body whose job is to make sure that people obey the law, to catch

criminals, and to protect people and property.

6. ___________ is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal documents

or represent people in court.

7. ___________ is a house or a room where all the information about the crime is given so that

it can be judged.

8. ___________ is a sum of money that you owe somebody.

9. ___________ is a formal statement that something is true, such as the one a witness makes in a

court of law.

10. ___________ is money that has been lost by a business, person or government.

11. ___________ is a legal means regulating relations between companies.

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Model: a) I quite agree with the statement that _______ because …

b) Just what I think … because …

1. Relations between people are regulated by …

a) the government.

b) prescriptive laws.

c) people’s experience.

d) customs and traditions.

2. If we always break the rules, other members of society may …

a) refuse to have anything to do with us.

b) carry precise penalties.

c) use the system of courts.

d) consult the police.

3. When governments make laws for their citizens …

a) they use the power of the police to enforce them.

b) they use justice.

c) they observe public opinion.

d) they try to use common sense.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 2360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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