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Careers in mechanical engineering


What is Mechanical Engineering?

Engineering affects every aspect of human activity - work, leisure, health and education. Engineers are involved in the design and manufacture of almost everything, from cars to computers, from web pages to wings, from microchips to motorways. Many recent medical advances have been made as a result of work done by engineers, ranging from brain scanners to the drug dispensers used by asthma sufferers.

Training as a mechanical engineer will lead you into one of the broadest areas of engineering. There are jobs for mechanical engineers in nearly every area of industry. As a mechanical engineer you could become involved in design, manufacture, research, development, management or marketing.

Mechanical engineers are expected to constantly improve, re-design and invent equipment, not just maintain and process. There have been a multitude of mechanical engineering advancements that don't make the headlines that are crucial to our everyday lives, making them easier, faster and more efficient. A recent, well-known project is the London Eye - the massive mechanical marvel by the River Thames. Mechanical engineering played a vital part in the design, manufacture and installation of the Eye, something that was originally believed to be impossible. Now it is both an extremely popular tourist attraction and an inspiration to future engineers.

Other examples include medical engineering companies now developing surgical robotic systems for orthopaedic, spinal and dental surgery. Environmental engineers in the UK are producing world-leading technology in emission control, while UK based mechanical engineers in the defence industry are creating an innovative protection system for the International Space Station, amongst other things. This is just a selection of the exciting, innovative and challenging projects that mechanical engineers are involved in.

There is a shortage of engineers the UK, therefore there are excellent job prospects for mechanical engineers, and currently 70% of graduates go into full-time careers associated with engineering.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 653 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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