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WHILE-LISTENING. Watch the two video-tracks (video 1 and video 2) and do the following tasks:

Watch the two video-tracks (video 1 and video 2) and do the following tasks:

3. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?

a The idea of the bridge appeared over 150 years ago. T F
b The designer of the bridge was young. T F
c The idea and the design of the bridge belonged to one and the same person. T F
d The bridge was constructed in 1843. T F
e The designer of the bridge liked it after the completion. T F
f The tower of the bridge is the memorial to Brunel. T F
g Over 30 years passed after the construction was finished. T F
h Nobody was injured during the construction. T F
i The capacity of the bridge is more than ten thousand vehicles a year. T F
j Only one text gives information about the age of Brunel. T F
k The bridge is still in use. T F
l The construction of the bridge was stopped because of the Brunel’s death. T F
m Brunel’s original design of the bridge was a little bit modified after his death. T F

4. Which text (1 or 2 or both) …?

a gives information about the person who introduced the idea of construction?  
b mentions the river that the bridge spans?  
c mentions the place the bridge is located?  
d gives information about the age of Brunel?  
e gives the date of the beginning of the construction?  
f mentions the organization which decided to make a memorial to Brunel?  
g mentions animals?  
h gives information about tragedies during the construction?  
i gives information about capacity of the bridge.  

5. Complete the following table:

the Clifton Suspension Bridge

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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