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Exercise 3. State whether the boldfaced word is an adverb, a conjunction, a preposition, or a postposition

1. They were reluctant to interfere in their niece's private affairs. (Lindsay) 2. A cool March air came in through the revolving door whenever the page-boy passed the guests in or out. (Baum) 3. She came back with a package and got in and we drove on. (Hemingway) 4. Bertine and I are just on our way home, truly. (Dreiser) 5. After dinner they sat about and smoked. (Aldington) 6. After she had left me I brooded on my situation. (Clark) 7. A little before midnight the thick fog that had been falling over the city became rain. (Saroyan) 8. She thought for a moment before she replied. (Trollope) 9. You have never worked at anything like this before, have you? (Dreiser) 10. I was born there, but have never been there since I was a baby. (Trollope) 11. I knew him well, but it was some years since, and I valued him as a man of singular probity and spirit. (Trollope) 12. On one point they were in agreement — George had degenerated terribly since joining the army. (Aldington) 13. At other times he was working in his vineyard from dawn till the heat drove him to rest and then again, when it was a trifle cooler till dusk. (Maugham) 14. After tea she fulfilled that promise to herself and took Jon up the hill. (Galworthy) 15. Rinaldi picked up the candle, lit it and went on reading. (Hemingway) 16. He glanced up reproachfully, caught the comic lift of her eyebrow just like their father's, laughed and felt better. (Galsworthy) 17. Lady Anna stood at the open window, looking across at the broad field and the river bank beyond... (Trollope) 18....there was a little hill and beyond a stone wail, an apple orchard. (Hemingway) 19. What, after all, did an extra five minutes matter? But he would pretend to himself that they mattered beyond measure. (Mansfield) 20. But he missed Fleur, who came down last. (Galsworthy) 21. The sun was going down and the day was cooling off. (Hemingway)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 672 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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