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Exercise 13. State the function of the /or-to-Infinitive Construction. Translate into Russian

1. There was no home for him to goto. (/. Shaw)2. He waited for me to sit down. (Hemingway) 3. It seemed almost a shame for anyone to be as pretty as she was tonight. (Snow) 4. And it is not fpr you to make terms. It is for you to accept them. (Wilde) 5. There's nothing for us to do but amuse ourselves. (Maugham) 6. But the pain in James' head asserted itself too cruelly for him to think of anything else for the moment. (Young) 7. He cordially extended one forefinger for Erik to shake. (Wilson) 8. Some trouble with the authorities had made it necessary for him to be much abroad. (Maugham) 9. There were plenty of papers for him to read, but he left them alone. (Priestley) 10. Since you are so anxious for me to; distinguish myself I have concluded to do so. (Stone) 11. It is impossible for me to write about that time in detail — I can't bear to. (Hansford Johnson) 12. He opened the door of his room for her to go out. (Murdoch) 13. Buttonwood street, where he spent the first ten years of his life, was a lovely place for a boy to live. (Dreiser) 14. She longed for night to come to bring sleep to her. (Cronin) 15. It was really warm for May, and still light enough for him to see his cows in the meadow beyond the river. (Galsworthy) 16.... the idea is for us to give a special concert at the Festival Hall. (Lessing) 17. My house is always ready for anyone to come into. (Shaw) 18. My dear, this isn't the time for us to quarrel. (Hansford Johnson) 19. Erik saw that she was impatient for him to be gone. (Wilson) 20. He waited for Bert to say something. (Caldwell)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1004 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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