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Exercise 2. Point out the Gerundial Construction and comment on the way !he nominal element is expressed. Translate into Russian

1. You must excuse my being so breathless, I'm not really breathless, it's just the excitement. (Leacock) 2. These happy events occurred without any recommendation having been made by Rainborough, and indeed without his having been officially informed. (Murdoch) 3. The maid said something about the American lady's having corne back to Rodnik. (Heym) 4. It was easy to imagine Cave sitting silent. (Snow) 5. She was interrupted by her father's voice and by her father's hat being heavily flung from his hand and striking her face. (Dickens) 6. He brought in a portmanteau with him, which he doubted its being worth while to unpack. (Dickens) 7. Besides, there's no danger of it happening again. (Hansford Johnson) 8. "It's no good you staying," Jack Burton said. (Aldridge) 9. Jack laughed. Their being bothered amused him. (Lawrence) 10. He was wakened by someone knocking at the door. (Faulkner) 11. There is something so inexpressibly absurd to me in the idea of Caddy being married. (Dickens) 12. I was not surprised by Caddy's being in low spirits. (Dickens) 13. You knew young Pyle well didn't you? I can't get over a thing like that happening to him. (Greene) 14. She laughed at the thought of her husband and Johnny looking after the house. (Priestley) 15. He felt almost a gloomy satisfaction at the thought of all these disasters happening at once. (Murdoch)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2325 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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