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Selling online successfully

To be a successful online business, first of all you need to have a good website. A good website looks professional and is quick and easy to use. For instance, many people do not like to have to register to visit a site. It is also important for the company to have its 1)_____ on each page. This brands the site and can be used by the visitor as a link back to the 2)_____.

Of course, your products need to be at least as good as your site. The site may be what 3)____ customers in the first place, but it is certainly the quality of the products and of the service that makes them come back 4)_____ your prices down, and make a point of offering excellent after sales 5)______. Inform your visitors that you offer 6)_____ online ordering. Finally, when you receive an order, e-mail the customer to 7)______ receipt and to inform them when the goods will be 8)______.

1. a) flag b) symbol c) logo

2. a) homepage b) modem c) search engine

3. a) shows b) appeals c) attracts

4. a) Take b) Give c) Bring

5. a) service b) guarantee c) method

6. a) saved b) proof c) secure

7. a) thank b) acknowledge c) send

8. a) exchanged b) dispatched c) purchased

2. a) Before you read the passage from a web page for a shoe store, talk about these questions:

1) Do you prefer to shop online or in person?

2) What are the risks of shopping online?


b) Mark the following sentences as true (+) or false (-)

1) Customers will pay shipping for a $50.00 order.

2) The company will reduce prices lower than any competitor.

3) Direct sales can be arranged on the website.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 2824 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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