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VOCABULARY. barrister барристер (адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах) legal education юридическое образование untouchable

barrister барристер (адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах) legal education юридическое образование
untouchable недоступный, недосягаемый prospective будущий
Inns of Court Судебные Инны (четыре английские школы подготовки барристеров) inn постоялый двор; инн, школа подготовки барристеров
Inner Temple Внутренний Темпл read law изучать право
Middle Temple СреднийТемпл serve one's apprenticeship проходить курс ученичества
Lincoln's Inn Линкольновский Инн proper надлежащий
Gray's Inn Греевский Инн fee гонорар
high antiquity глубокая древность    

1) What barristers do engage in generally? 2) What barristers experts in are? 3) What barristers are called in to advise on? 4) May appear barristers or solicitors as advocates before the High Court? 5) Barristers are rather untouchable, aren't they figures? 6) What it is necessary to be a barrister? 7) What a prospective must barrister do? 8) What a barrister is required? 9) Can carry barristers on any other profession or business?

Ex. II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Solicitors engage in advocacy. 2) Solicitors engage in trial work. 3) Barristers engage in office work. 4) Solicitors are experts in the interpretation of the Law. 5) Barristers are called in to advise on really easy points. 6) Barristers must not appear as advocates before the High Court. 7) Solicitors can appear as advocates before the High Court. 8) High Court cannot change the decisions of a lower court. 9) Barristers are rather remote figures. 10) A prospective barrister must pass his examinations with honours. 11) A prospective barrister must scrutinize law. 12) A prospective barrister must serve his apprenticeship with a practicing solicitor. 13) Barristers can carry on any other profession or business.

Ex. III. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Barristers in advocacy engage. 2) Barristers in trial work engage. 3) Solicitors in office work engage. 4) Barristers experts in the interpretation of the Law are. 5) Barristers in to advise on really difficult points are called. 6) Barristers may as advocates before the High Court appear. 7) Solicitors as advocates before the High Court cannot appear. 8) High Court to change the decisions of a lower court can be asked. 9) Barristers rather untouchable figures are. 10) A prospective barrister some examinations must pass. 11) A prospective barrister read law must. 12) A prospective serve barrister must his apprenticeship with a practicing barrister. 13) Barristers cannot on any other profession or business carry.

► Ex. IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах; практикующий юрист; стряпчий; недосягаемый; выдержать экзамен; юридическое образование; изучать право; проходить курс ученичества; гонорар; деятельность адвоката; судебное разбирательство; эксперт; толкование; консультировать; являться в суд; решение суда; школа подготовки барристеров; действующий на расстоянии; отлично сдать экзамены; внимательно изучать закон.

► Ex. V. Complete the following statements.

1) Barrister is... 2) Barristers engage in... 3) Solicitors engage in... 4) Barristers are experts in... 5) Barristers are called in... 6) Barristers may appear as advocates before... 7) Solicitors cannot appear as advocates before... 8) High Court is... 9) Barristers are rather... 10) Without your solicitor you never see... 11) To be a barrister it is necessary to be... 12) A prospective barrister must pass... 13) A prospective barrister must read... 14) A prospective barrister must serve... 15) A barrister is required to accept... 16) Barristers cannot carry on...

► Ex. VI. Choose one topic to speak about barrister:

a) his functions;

b) his Inns of Court.

Retell the text “Barrister”.

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