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Security Myth

Since I visit only major, reputable sites, I have nothing to worry about.

You certainly increase your system’s odds of being infected or compromised when you visit the shady side of the Web, but even well-known Websites are occasionally infiltrated. Sites such as those for Apple, CNN, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo, and even the FBI have been compromised by attackers running cross-site scripting attacks to gather information about users or to install malicious software on visitor’s computer.

Unpatched Software (Not Just Windows)

Microsoft's products have tang been favorite targets for malware, but the company has stepped up its game, forcing attackers to seek other weak links in the security chain. These days, third-party products such as Adobe Reader provide attackers with alternative options for hitting your PC.Install all security updates: You should have both a firewall and an antimalware utility protecting your system, but one of the simplest – and most effective – ways to guard against attack is to make sure that you keep your operating system and applications up-to-date.

Attackers have discovered that a considerable number of third-party applications such as Adobe Reader and Adobe Flash are present on virtually every computer and contain exploitable weaknesses. To guard against threats, you can use a program such as the Secunia Personal Software Inspector (find. pcworld.com/64342) to scan your system, identify applications that have known vulnerabilities, and install the necessary updates.

Do your best to stay informed of existing flaws for the various applications you use, and apply appropriate patches as soon as possible. The About.com Antivirus Software site (antivirus.about.com) is a good resource to use in collecting such information. You can also check sites such as McAfee's Avert Labs Threat Library for the latest news on emerging threats.

Though attacking third-party products may be a path of least resistance, bad guys haven't given up entirely on Microsoft products. Windows users should have Automatic Updates enabled and set to download and installimportant security updates automatically. Windows Automatic Update will keep the Windows operating system – as well as other Microsoft software such as Internet Explorer and the various Office applications – patched and current.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 265 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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