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Security Myth. I don’t have anything an attacker would want

I don’t have anything an attacker would want

Average users commonly believe that the data on their computers is valuable only to them or has no instincts value at all, and that therefore they have nothing to protect and no need to worry. There are three problems with this way of thinking. First, instead of pilfering data, attackers often want to take control of the computer itself, as they can employ a compromised PC has to host malware or to distribute spam. Second, you may not think that your PC has any important or sensitive information, but an attacker may be able to use seemingly trivial information such as your name, address, and birth day to steal your identity. And third, most attacks are automated and simply seek out and compromise all vulnerable systems, they do not discriminate based on a target’s value.

Social Network Impostors

If you've connected with someone on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or another social network, it's probably because you know and trust the person. Attackers, however, can take control of your friend's online persona and then exploit that trust.

Beware of seams sent from friends': Attackers can hijack one of your online buddies' social networking accounts through malware, phishing scams, and other techniques, and then use the stolen accounts to spam you, steal your personal data, or even con you out of cash. Once the thieves have locked your friend out of the account, they may send you a note saying, "Help! I'm in London and my wallet was stolen. Can you wire me some money for a plane ticket?" Or they may recommend that you click on doctored links that will allow them to infect your computer or compromise your own account.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 246 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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