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Text1 The Bases of State and Law in the Russian Federation

Russia is a multinational and multi-ethnic country with diversity of ideologies and religions. The main law of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. According to the Constitution, Russia is a federation and a presidential republic. The President is the head of state and the commander-in-chief. He is elected for a six-year term and can veto legislative bills before they become laws.

The 1993 Constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. The state power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Russia's legislative body was established by the Constitution approved at the December 1993 referendum. The legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly, which consists of two chambers: the 450-member State Duma (the Lower Chamber) and the 178-member Federation Council (the Upper Chamber). They make federal laws and have power of impeachment. The leading political parties of Russia are the United Russia, the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and the Just Russia.

The executive power is exercised by the Government. The current Russian government is made up of the Prime Minister, two first deputy prime ministers, seven deputy prime ministers and 17 ministers. Most ministries and federal services report directly to the Prime minister, who then reports to the President. However, a number of bodies responsible for security and foreign policy are directly under the president's authority. Informally they are collectivelyreferred to as the so-called "presidential bloc". It consists of the Interior Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Defence Ministry, the Justice Ministry and seven other federal agencies and services.

The judicial power belongs to the system of courts. There are the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Arbitration, and lower federal courts.

The content of laws is formulated in accordance with international law and principles. Russian is proclaimed the state language, although the republics of the federation are allowed to have their own state languages.

Answer the Questions:

1. What is the main law of the Russian Federation?

2. What type of state is the Russian Federation?

3. How is the state power divided in the RF?

4. When was the legislative body of Russia established?

5. How is the legislative body of Russia represented?

6. How is the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly called?

7. Who has the power of impeachment in Russia?

8. What is the current Russian government made up of?

9. What does the so-called "presidential bloc" consist of?

10. Whom does the judicial power belong to?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 706 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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