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Б. Добавьте в нижеприведенные предложения обстоятельства образа действия, используя данные таблицы

in advance easily with pleasure with care by mistake suddenly

1. I met him at the theatre a few days ago.→

как? где? когда?

I met him by chance at the theatre a few days ago.

2. They can travel across the city in the morning.

3. I saw them in the park on Sunday.

4. I’ve been walking around the city all morning.

5. They drove the car outside the city yesterday.

6. We found ourselves near the Science Museum two hours ago.

7. I’d like to buy the tickets at the booking-office tomorrow.

Задание 7.

Трансформируйте предложения по образцу, обращая на место still (все ещё) и yet (ещё) в предложениях. Первое предложение используйте как образец.

1. He is still here. (gone)→

He hasn’t gone yet. (= He still hasn’t gone.)

2. She still wants to go to the party.(changed her mind) →

She hasn’t changed her mind yet. (= She still hasn’t changed her mind.)

3. The concert is still going on.(finished) →It hasn’t…..

4. Ann is still on holiday.(come back) →She hasn’t….

5. He still smokes a lot. (given up) →He hasn’t…..

6. Allan is still living in London. (moved) → He hasn’t……..


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 423 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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