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Nothing to Learn

Little Jack spent his first day at school and returned disappointed. "What did you learn?" was his aunt's question. "We didn't learn anything," replied the boy. "Well, what did you do in that case?" – "We didn't do anything. There was a woman who didn't know how to spell some very simple words and I told her how."


Teacher: Your spelling is very bad. I told you to write those words ten times each and you've only written them eight.

Boy: Yes, sir. I'm very bad at arithmetic too.


Larry: I shall not go to school any more.

Mother: But why, my dear?

Larry: On Monday the teacher said 4 and 4 is 8. On Tuesday she said 7 and 1 is 8. Today she said 6 and 2 is 8. I shall not go back to school again till the teacher knows arithmetic herself.


Teacher: Jack, why are you late to school every morning?

Jack: When I come to the crossing I see the words: "School – Go slow."


Teacher: Who helped you to draw this map. Jack?

Jack: Nobody, sir.

Teacher: Didn't your brother help you?

Jack: No, sir. He draw it all himself.


Teacher: Jimmy, what are the three words which pupils use most often at school? Jimmy: I don't know...

Teacher: Correct.


Teacher (looking over Teddy's homework): I don't seehowit's possible for a single person to make so many mistakes.

Teddy (proudly): It isn't a single person, teacher, Father

helped me.


Nick: Ann, give me your pen, please.

Ann: And why don't you want to write with your pen? What's wrong with it?

Nick: It makes so many mistakes.


– Is your son a good pupil?

– Yes, he is. He wants to know all the subjects so well that he stays in every class for two years.


Grandfather (looking through Nick's record book: When I was at school I always had five in History and you have four.

Nick: You see, grandfather, when you were at school History was shorter.


A school teacher told a class of small pupils the story of the discovery of America by Columbus. After he had finished the story,

he said:

– And all this happened more than 400 years ago. A little boy said after a moment's thought:

– Oh! What a memory you've got!


Small girl: I want to be a teacher.

Mother: But you don't know enough to be a teacher.

Small girl: That doesn't matter. Teachers only ask questions.


Father: Run and open the door for the professor, Tommy.

Tommy: What's a professor, Daddy?

Father: A professor is a man who knows everything.

Tommy: Oh, then he must know how to open the door himself.


Father: You know/Tom, when Lincoln was your, age he was the best pupil in his class.

Tom: Yes, Father, I know that. But when he was your age he was President of the United States.


Jimmy again got a bad mark for his homework. When he came home, Father looked at his daybook and said:

– How is that young Smith, who is younger than you, is always at the top of the class, while you are at the bottom? Jimmy replied:

– You forget, Dad, that Smith has very clever parents.


Mother: Johnny, I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning; I see there is only one piece. Where is the other? Can you tell me?

Johnny: It was too dark, Mummy. I could not see the other piece.


– Why, boy, how is it you are so short for your age?

– I'm so busy. I have not time to grow.


Teacher: You were late this morning, Brown.

Brown: Yes, sir, I'm sorry. I overslept.

Teacher: Good gracious! Do you sleep at home as well?


A teacher said to a dull pupil:

– When I was your age I could answer any question in arithmetic.

– Yes, but you forget that you had a different teacher from theone I have.


When a little boy arrived home from school his mother asked him if he had been a good boy.

He replied: "Sure I was good in school today! How much trouble can you get into standing in a corner?"

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 672 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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