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Air-conditioner Armchair Basement be located Block of flats Carpet Ceiling Central heating Сooker Cozy Detached house Dishwasher Double Downstairs Extra Floor Fridge Front door Gate Ground floor (BrE) Huge Impractical Inhabitant to lead Light switch Neighbour Path Picturesque Plant Power point Remote Security system Sink Speakers Staircase to store Study Stylish Suburbs Swimming pool Terraced house Upstairs Wall Washbasin Yard кондиционер кресло подвал находиться, располагаться многоквартирный дом ковер потолок центральное отопление плита уютный индивидуальный отдельно стоящий дом посудомоечная машина двойной внизу, на нижнем этаже дополнительный этаж, пол холодильник входная дверь, парадный вход ворота, калитка первый этаж огромный непрактичный житель вести выключатель сосед тропинка, дорожка живописный растение штепсельная розетка отдаленный система безопасности кухонная раковина колонки, акустическая система лестница хранить кабинет стильный пригород бассейн один из множества домов, стоящих в ряд наверху, на верхнем этаже стена раковина в ванной комнате двор

1. Match the words with their definitions:

bungalow flat detached house terraced house cottage

а) You live in а _______________ if it stands in its own grounds.

b) You live in а ________________ if your house is а terrace of houses.

c) А ________________ can be in а block of flats or part of an older house.

d) А _________________ is usually а small house in the country.

e) А _________________ is а house with only one floor.

2. Which floor? Match the expressions to the numbers in the pictures:

The ground floor

The first floor

The top floor

The basement

3. Match the words with the numbers in the picture:


Power point

Light switch




4. Where people live. Match the sentences:

1. I live in the country.

2. I live in the city centre.

3. I live in the suburbs.

4. I live in a village.

5. I live in a small town.

6. I live on the second floor.

a) It has 20,000 inhabitants.

b) It’s very small, with only 800 inhabitants.

c) It’s right in the middle of the city.

d) It’s the area outside the central part of town.

e) There are two floors below me.

f) There are fields and trees all around me.

5. Paying a compliment. Match the comments and follow-up questions:

1. I like your speakers.

2. What a fantastic view!

3. What an interesting photo!

4. You’ve got a lot of books.

5. I love your clock.

6. What a lovely carpet!

7. Your plants are wonderful

8. I’ve never seen such a lovely house.

a) Can you see the sea?

b) Is it Turkish or Persian?

c) Have you read them all?

d) Did you hire a professional designer?

e) Who is it?

f) What’s this one called?

g) Does it work?

h) What do they sound like?

Now add the responses:

i. Oh, yes, it just needs winding up.

j. No, all the décor ideas are mine.

k. They’re great – really great sound.

l. My great-great-grandfather, actually.

m. It’s a kind of palm tree.

n. On a clear day, yes.

o. It’s Chinese, actually.

p. Yes, every one. I love reading.

6. Complete the description with words from the box:

sink centre walls gate garage washbasin armchairs village path bathroom dishwasher shower garden coffee table bedrooms

This is а traditional cottage, with thick stone 1) _____________ located in а quiet 2) ______________ although it is only 40 km from the city 3)______________. It has а large 4) ________________ all around the house. From the garden 5) _______________, а wide 6) ______________

leads up to the front door. It doesn't have а 7) _______________ but there is usually no problem with parking. The living room is small but comfortable. It is furnished with а sofa, two 8) ______________ and а 9)_______________ in the centre of the room. There are large glass doors that lead into the back garden. The kitchen is modern, with а new cooker, fridge, and 10) ______________. It has а double 11) _______________ and lots of space for storing dishes, food, etc. There is also а small 12)_______________ on the ground floor, with а toilet, 13)_______________, and 14) ________________. The main bathroom, however, is on the first floor, as well as three 15) ________________, one double, and two singles.

7. Complete the sentences:

1) I live in а small t__________ of 100,000 inhabitants.

2) John lives on the fourth f___________ and there's no lift.

3) Be careful of the st___________s when you go out of the front door. You might fall.

4) We much prefer living in the c___________ to living in the city.

5) We used to live in а t___________ house and we could hear every word the neighbours said. That's why we later bought а d___________ house!

6) А lot of people live in the s____________ and get а bus or train into the city centre every day.

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