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1. TSURE (former Kalmykov Radio-Engineering Institute) was founded in 1952. First it was housed in one building in Chekhov Street. There were only three faculties and 29 departments with a lot of good specialists working at them. The Institute trained engineers in 11 specialities.
2. Nowadays TSURE is a young, fast developing and highly specialized institution of higher education. It offers three types of studying. full-time, part-time or evening and correspondence.
3. The University consists of 7 colleges. College of Radio Engineering, College of Automation and Computer Science, College of Electronics and Electronic Equipment Engineering, College of Economics, Management and Law, College of Natural Sciences, College of Information Security and College of Correspondence Education. The University offers a five year course of study. During the academic year the students attend lectures, and classes, do laboratory work. They take their tests and examinations at the end of each term. The numerous laboratories are equipped with modern apparatus, computers to provide a high level of education. The students make experiments and carry out the research work. The University has a scientific library with 930000 educational scientific textbooks, 5 reading rooms for studying.
4. Since 1995 full-time students may receive Bachelor of Engineering Degree after 4 years of study. It usually takes 5 years to get a diploma in Engineering for full-time students and 6 years for evening or correspondence students.
5. The University has 6 hostels, several buffets, cafes, student club where the students like to spend their free time. Most of the students are fond of sports. There are three gymnasiums with good sporting equipment and several sports grounds.
6. TSURE is known as one of the leading Russian Universities in the following branches of science as Multiprocessor Computing Systems, Computer Networks, Microelectronics, Hydroacoustics and others.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 411 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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