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Exercise 1. Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements

Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements

Example: Phil studies at the faculty of Engineering.

Does Phil study at the faculty of Engineering?

1. Individuals make choices based on their own needs.

2. The students are writing an exam paper.

3. Last year Ann entered the university.

4. They were watching TV when the thunderstorm began.

5. Next weekend his parents shall spend in Italy.

6. Kate will be dealing with her term paper tomorrow at 5.

7. We have taken the full advantage of the knowledge got at the university.

8. My sister had already left for Paris when I came to visit her.

9. By 2008 he will have completed the course of study at the university.

10. She has completely expressed herself in her work.

Exercise 2

Ask Special questions to the underlined words

Example: I want to get a good education. – What do you want?

1. The aim of education is to give people the possibility to understand their needs.

2. There is an opinion that in modern society material values dominate over the cultural ones.

3. He decided to become a teacher because he thinks it is one of the possibilities to influence on history.

4. Kevin participated in the competition and won the prize.

5. It is difficult to measure the value of education.

6. She expresses herself in music.

7. The work has been done properly.

8. All the values of speed were calculated.

9. He took advantage of the opportunity and entered Stanford University.

10. Kelly has obtained enough knowledge in graduate school to become a qualified engineer.

Exercise 3

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 565 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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