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In the sentences below only 3 variants are correct and the rest are wrong. Choose the correct words

1. The... was crowded with shoppers on the Saturday before Christmas.

A. shopping centre. B. shopping precinct. C. mall. D. ki­osk. E. stall.

2. In department stores, customers are usually welcome to ex­amine and try on....

A. goods. B. objects. C. articles D. merchandise. E. mate­rials.

3. The meal was really..., we got at least six courses — all for under £10.

A. a bargain. B. valuable. C. worthy. D. a good value. E. a value for money.

4. How much is your T-shirt? I got four for only £30. They were....

A. on sale. B. on offer. C. on display. D. going cheap. E. dear.

5. I can't imagine how she affords to send her kids to that school — it must....

A. cost the earth. B. be priceless. C. be costly. D. be expen­sive. E. be a money spinner.

6. Unless Jaguar can..., they will soon be unable to compete on the American market.

A. cut the prices. B. give a discount. C. reduce prices. D. increase prices. E. raise prices.

7. We don't get many... on Mondays — Saturday is our busi­est day.

A. clients. B. merchants. C. vendors. D. shoppers. E. cus­tomers.

8. We... a large selection of European wines.

A. stock. B. sell. C. retail. D. have on sale. E. wholesale.

9. It was difficult to choose from such... of dishes on the menu.

A. a range. B. a selection. C. a choice. D. a mixture. E. a category.

10. Sales staff are trained to be...

A. helpful. B. courteous. C. humble. D. knowledgeable. E. obtrusive.

Complete the following dialogues using the sentences given below.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1178 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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