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Read, memorize and dramatize the dialogue

Peter and Mary Almar arrive at the Hotel International in Athens, where they have reserved a room, they go to the recep­tion desk and address the receptionist.

Peter: Good evening. My name's Almar. I reserved a double room with bathroom for three nights. Can we check-in now?

Receptionist: Mr. Almar... I'll check your reservation record... Yes, room 312. Would you like to register, please? Just fill in this form.

Peter: Thank you.

Receptionist: And could I see your passports, please?.. Thank you.

Mary: How much do you charge for a double room?

Receptionist: The rate of this room is 1500 drachmas a night, which includes a service charge.

Mary: Can we get dinner this evening?

Receptionist: Yes, we're serving dinner in the Roof garden.

Peter: And what time is breakfast?

Receptionist: Breakfast is from 7.30 to 9.00 in the ground-floor restaurant.

Peter: And could we have a call in the morning, please?

Receptionist: Certainly. What time would you like it?

Peter: Eight o'clock, please.

Receptionist: Very good, sir. And here's your key. Room 312.

Peter: Thank you. Oh, are there any letters or telephone messages for us?

Receptionist: No, sir, nothing. I'll just get a porter to take your luggage up. Enjoy your stay with us.

10. Ask for things you want according to the model:

You want a 7 o'clock call. — Could I have a 7 o'clock call, please?

1. a tin of beer

2. a glass of mineral water

3. a taxi

4. a city map

5. a weekend return to Oxford

6. a room with a shower

7. your bill»8. a wake-up call

9. a morning paper

10. your key

11. Ask questions according to the model:

You'd like to know if it is allowed to smoke in the lobby. - May I smoke in the lobby?

1. to pay when you check out

2. to bring in a guest

3. to make a long distance call from the room

4. to pay by personal cheques

5. to book a table in advance

6. to fill in the form in Russian

7. to arrange a party in your room

8. to keep the room key

9. to have the hotel booklet

10. to bring children in the bar

12. Ask questions according to the model:

There are three restaurants in the hotel. — How many res­taurants are there?

1) The price is 30$.

2) Lunch is from 12.30 to 2.30.

3) The restaurant is on the third floor.

4) Your room is number 425.

5) You have to pay extra for another night.

6) The bar is opposite the entrance door.

7) An English breakfast is 1.75 pounds.

8) Your suitcases are over there.

9) Everybody has to register.

10) Porters take your luggage to your room.

13. List several hotels in your city and give them ratings from deluxe to one star hotel on the basis of their fa­cilities and the quality of service that they offer. Brief­ly give the reason for your classification in each case.

14. Translate into English:


(1) В Турции ежегодно строится много курортных оте­лей. В них обслуживают гостей из разных стран. Большин­ство из них соответствуют международным стандартам. (2) Отели класса «люкс» и «суперлюкс» обычно располо­жены в фешенебельных районах. Они предназначены для обеспеченных клиентов и деловых людей. (3) Номера в отелях класса «люкс» оснащены современным оборудова­нием и дорогой мебелью. (

4) Отели предоставляют кли­ентам комфортабельные номера, ужин и стоянку для ав­томобиля. Это очень удобно для тех, кто любит путешествовать на собственном автомобиле. (5) Курорт­ные отели почти всегда расположены в живописных угол­ках — в горах, на берегу реки или моря, в лесу. (6) Соглас­но Европейской классификации, все гостиницы делятся на 5 категорий — 1, 2, 3, 4 и 5-звездочные. Основанием для такой классификации служит качество предлагаемого об­служивания и предоставляемые отелем удобства. (7) Количество обслуживающего персонала зависит от категории отеля. В гостинице класса «люкс» один номер могут обслу­живать до 3 человек. В других отелях количество персона­ла колеблется от 1 человека на номер и даже 1 человека на несколько номеров.


-Добрый вечер. Моя фамилия Кент. Я заказывал номер на прошлой неделе для себя и своей семьи.

- Да, сэр. Как вы сказали ваша фамилия?

- Кент. Я просил два двухместных номера - один для моей жены и меня и второй для двоих детей.

- Ах да, вижу. Мы получили ваше письмо. Номера 11 и 12. Если вы подпишетесь в журнале регистраций я вызову носильщика, который покажет вам номер и поможет вам с багажом.

- Спасибо. Где мне расписаться?

- Вот здесь, сэр - полное имя, домашний адрес, дата и подпись.

- Готово.

- Спасибо, сэр. Я надеюсь, вам понравятся номера. В одном из них есть ванная комната. Во второй, я боюсь, нет, но есть ванная комната совсем рядом по коридору. В каждом номере есть радио, и, конечно, обслуживание номеров доступно по телефону.

- Что насчет приемов пищи? Мы хотели бы ужин и завтрак до нашего ухода.

- Ужин с 18.30 до 21.30. Завтраки мы накрываем начиная с 7.30. Вы так же можете заказать чай в номер с 6.30 если пожелаете. Столовая находится вон там.

- Большое спасибо.

What is the difference between a hostel and a hotel?

Hotels and hostels both provide accommodations to travelers. While the two provide a dry place to stay, the similarities end there.

Hotels are considered more luxurious than hostels and, therefore, more expensive. At a hotel one can have his own room and bathroom as well as maid service and other amenities. A person staying at a hotel will have his bags carried to his room, fresh towels delivered and his bed made up daily.

Hostels are generally used by younger travelers with less money to spare. Those visiting a hostel will most likely be required to share a room as well as bath and shower rooms. In the past, rooms were set up dormitory fashion, with communal showers. Nowadays, some hostels offer single rooms and bathrooms, while shared, might accommodate only one guest at a time.

Hostels are most often associated with backpackers looking for inexpensive, temporary shelter as well as a place for a shower and a meal. Some hostels will include a hot meal or beverage in the accommodation price and most will provide a kitchen area where guests can cook their own food. During a hotel stay, one is on his own when it comes to finding places to eat, unless a meal is included in the package.

Some hostels will allow guests to work in exchange for a discount or even a night's stay. When staying at a hotel on the other hand, one best not attempt to check in without cash or a valid credit card. Also, hotel management may turn away guests who are less than clean. Hostel owners are used to backpackers and long distance bicycle riders showing up in dire need of a shower.

A hotel will provide guests with mini refrigerators, wet bars, cable television, wireless Internet service, telephones, irons and hair dryers. A hostel usually provides none of the above. The accommodations in a hostel, while minimal, are not unpleasant. If you're staying at a hostel, there's a good chance you'll meet like-minded people with some interesting tales to tell. In a hotel, you probably won't get to know the person staying in the room next to you. Hostels often provide a community room where guests can mingle and shoot pool or watch television. On a busy night, this can mean a crowded and noisy stay. A hotel room, on the other hand, offers privacy and quiet.

Some hostels don't supply linens which means guests are required to bring their own. In addition, many hostels, especially youth hostels, require their guests to abide by their rules, which include a curfew. This may also include no drinking or smoking. Since hostels are more communal, one might need to guard one's property. This may mean sleeping with cash and credit cards on one's person.

Both hotels and hostels offer a bed and roof to weary travelers. Extra amenities are up to the individual so, it's important to note, you usually do get what you pay for.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1139 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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