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Read an act the dialogue

Jane: Hi, Mark.

Mark: Hi, Jane. What are you reading?

Jane: It's a horoscope for next year.

Mark: Do you believe in horoscopes?

Jane: Not really, but sometimes I have doubts about my future and I want to find out what will happen. Then I read horoscopes.

Mark: I never read horoscopes. I don't believe in what they say.

Jane: What is your zodiac sign?

Mark: Libra.

Jane: So you must be reliable, well-balanced, practical and rather realistic.

That's why you don't believe in horoscopes.

Mark: That's interesting. What else can you tell me about my personality?

Jane: You are logical and generally calm.

Mark: And what about my future?

Jane: You will be really absent-minded this week. You will forget about important meetings and it's not the best time to be alone. You have to start taking part in more activities - go on holiday.

Mark: You know, it's true that I have been feeling rather lonely recently. But I can't imagine myself being absent-minded. I never lose things or arrive late for meetings. What about my career?

Jane: You will begin to look for a new job. You can start thinking about your future now.

Mark: That's amazing! I really want to change my job! My boss doesn't want to give me a rise and I'm beginning to feel fed up with my work there.

Jane: So, it's high time you changed it.

Mark: Thanks for the lesson, but I'm still not sure if I should start believing in horoscopes. What's the time?

Jane: It's 6.40.

Mark: What? I'm going to be late for the meeting concerning my new job!

Jane: Didn't I warn you?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 644 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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