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1. Does the United Kingdom have a single and unified judiciary system?

2. What is the highest appeal court in England and Wales?

3. What is the highest appeal court for Commonwealth countries?

4. What are senior courts of England and Wales?

5. What does court of appeal consist of?

6. What does court of appeal deal with?

7. What does The High Court of Justice function as?

8. What does The High Court of Justice consist of?

9. What is The Crown Court’s jurisdiction?

10. What are English subordinate courts?

11. What is County Courts’ jurisdiction?

12. What are tribunals? What tribunals are there in England and Wales?

13. What is Coroner’s Courts’ jurisdiction?

14. What are ecclesiastical courts?

15. What kinds of criminal trial are there in England and Wales?

16. What is a ‘first appearance’ before magistrates?

17. What is an indictable offence?

18. What is a summary offence?

19. What is an intermediate offence?

20. What is a magistrate’s court?

21. How are magistrates’ courts made up?

22. How are appeals in England and Wales taken to?

23. What rules of claim are there in England and Wales?

24. What is The US Supreme Court’s jurisdiction?

25. What are the legal and political influences of The US Supreme Court?

26. How do cases make their way to The US Supreme Court?

27. What is a judiciary system in the states?

28. What is the system of federal courts of appeal?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 264 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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