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Read the text. Divide the text into logical parts

Pick up the key words.

Divide the text into logical parts.

Make up an outline of the text.

Find the main idea in each part of the text.

Express the main idea of each part in one sentence.

Find supporting details in each part of the text.

Compress the text excluding the supporting details.

Express the main idea of the text in one sentence.

10. Write an annotation/a summary of the text using words and word combinations from your active vocabulary and sample summaries.


Getting connected

The language used for data transfer on the Internet is known as ТСР/IР (transmission control protocol/Internet protocol). This is like the Internet operating system.

The first program you need is a PPP (point to point protocol) driver. This piece of software allows the ТСР/IР system to work with your modem; it dials up your Internet service provider (ISP), transmits your password and log-in name and allows Internet programs to operate.


E-mail is your personal connection to the Internet. It allows you to exchange messages with people all over the world. It can include text, pictures, and even audio and animation.

When you set up an account with an ISP, you are given a unique address and anyone can send you e-mail. The mail you receive is stored on the server of your ISP until you next connect and download it to your hard disk.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1158 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.005 с)...