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C) Describe the trends in the major equity markets mentioned in the text

Equity Market

In return... the use of their funds, investors in a corporation are issued certificates, or securities. Corporate securities represent claims... the assets and future earnings of the firm. Corporate securities take the form... either common stock or preferred stock.

In 1980 the US equity market was the largest domestic equity market in the world and was three times larger than its nearest rival, the Japanese market. During 1990 there were periods when the capitalization of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was higher than the NYSE. These relative values can fluctuate quite dramatically. For example, the Tokyo Stock Exchange market capitalization fell... 29% in the mid two quarters of 1990. The London Stock Exchange only fell by 17%... this period. As a result, the value rankings are not stable over short periods. However, one can see the rapid rise of the Tokyo stock exchange... the 1980s, the relative decline of US stock markets, and the slow but sure growth of London and the other European stock exchanges.

The UK has a large domestic and international equity market relative to the size of its economy. This market is the most international in terms of foreign companies listed and the extent... foreign equities traded. In contrast, German equity markets are small relative... the size of the economy. The UK, Canadian and the US domestic capital markets are very similar... each other in that many domestic firms are quoted and equity is a significant form of finance. However, most of the smaller domestic capital markets can be characterized as consisting... very few firms which are widely publicly held. Small group and family holdings predominate and new equity issues are avoided for fear... losing control.

Words you may need:

common stock обычные акции

dramatically adv резко

ranking n ранжирование, классификация

relative to относительно

holding n владение (акциям)

predominate v преобладать

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